@JDHaltigan It is. Demonstrably. False. You and Vinay can read these together. https://t.co/gk4Ua5ospk
RT @QuadriviumQuis: @DrKatEpi “Strikingly, we detect SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen in a majority of PASC patients up to 12 months post-diagnosis…
RT @RadCentrism: @VPrasadMDMPH @JDHaltigan Send to Vinay, who blocked me like a child. “Strikingly, we detect SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen in…
RT @RadCentrism: @VPrasadMDMPH @JDHaltigan Send to Vinay, who blocked me like a child. “Strikingly, we detect SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen in…
@fitterhappierAJ And he blocks everyone who points these things out.
RT @QuadriviumQuis: @DrKatEpi “Strikingly, we detect SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen in a majority of PASC patients up to 12 months post-diagnosis…
RT @QuadriviumQuis: @DrKatEpi “Strikingly, we detect SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen in a majority of PASC patients up to 12 months post-diagnosis…
@DrKatEpi “Strikingly, we detect SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen in a majority of PASC patients up to 12 months post-diagnosis, suggesting the presence of an active persistent SARS-CoV-2 viral reservoir” https://t.co/Qkw2Q4ugbQ
@Coldfell1 @MihailSadova @EthicalSkeptic 2/ "Furthermore, we previously detected elevated levels of spike in children who develop multisystem inflammatory syndrome weeks after SARS-CoV-2 infection resulting from leakage from the gut into the blood stream
@Tash04393897 @TheAllTIMEloser @LaurieSpoon @NAFOisfaggt @AlohaPrepper @hugh_mankind In the first wave of patients who were unvaccinated, those with long covid were producing spike protein for a year. Your ideas about "flushing" the virus from our bodies
@nozaki_acu コロナ後遺症の患者血液中には、スパイク蛋白質が検出されることが多いそうです。 この蛋白の有無が心因性かどうかのマーカーになり得ると期待されています。 また、この蛋白がいつまでも検出されるのは、ウィルス感染が残り、供給源となっている可能性もあるとのことです。 https://t.co/V0Lf6xsnEH
RT @2vJDKGfKOuF6k7p: ワクチンのスパイクタンパクは2週間で消える Long covidのスパイクタンパクは1年以上の場合も 未来ある子供にとって怖いのはどっち? https://t.co/8z7zshhIYw
RT @KazBowen: Long covidの原因を示唆する論文。Long covidは一年経っても血中のSpike蛋白が検出されたというもの。ワクチンではたかだか2週間で検出されなくなるので、Activeに産生され続けている、すなわちウイルスがどっかで持続的に感染ー>スパ…
RT @KazBowen: Long covidの原因を示唆する論文。Long covidは一年経っても血中のSpike蛋白が検出されたというもの。ワクチンではたかだか2週間で検出されなくなるので、Activeに産生され続けている、すなわちウイルスがどっかで持続的に感染ー>スパ…
RT @BikkuriSeitai: @yohakusai @hiyo_hairyheart @A3yVHafBu4hRoIT @qIhWWKgkarbwXd4 @MNHR_Labo あとコロナの場合、後遺症(Long COVID)の原因の1つに、ウイルスの持続感染があるのでは…
@yohakusai @hiyo_hairyheart @A3yVHafBu4hRoIT @qIhWWKgkarbwXd4 @MNHR_Labo あとコロナの場合、後遺症(Long COVID)の原因の1つに、ウイルスの持続感染があるのではないかという説も出てきました。 後遺症の他、流行時期が異なる複数の変異ウイルスが混合して、新しい変異を遂げている謎も、これで説明出来ますよね。 https://t.co/vLQbOZKOLn
@carl_jurassic @CarrieDadey C19💉be a 🏐 <bump> for Long Covid <spikes>! "Exosomes with spike protein and Abs decreased in parallel after four months." @brucep13 team clearly demonstrates that Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associat
A definite possibility
RT @EnemyInAState: 'Suggesting the presence of active persistent viral reservoir:' ACTIVE: GET IT?
RT @EnemyInAState: 'Suggesting the presence of active persistent viral reservoir:' ACTIVE: GET IT?
RT @EnemyInAState: 'Suggesting the presence of active persistent viral reservoir:' ACTIVE: GET IT?
RT @EnemyInAState: 'Suggesting the presence of active persistent viral reservoir:' ACTIVE: GET IT?
RT @loscharlos: @ManvBrain @Harvard study: “Strikingly we detect spike antigen in a majority of #LongCovid patients up to 12 months post-d…
RT @loscharlos: @ManvBrain @Harvard study: “Strikingly we detect spike antigen in a majority of #LongCovid patients up to 12 months post-d…
RT @loscharlos: @ManvBrain @Harvard study: “Strikingly we detect spike antigen in a majority of #LongCovid patients up to 12 months post-d…
RT @EnemyInAState: 'Suggesting the presence of active persistent viral reservoir:' ACTIVE: GET IT?
RT @EnemyInAState: 'Suggesting the presence of active persistent viral reservoir:' ACTIVE: GET IT?
RT @loscharlos: @ManvBrain @Harvard study: “Strikingly we detect spike antigen in a majority of #LongCovid patients up to 12 months post-d…
RT @EnemyInAState: 'Suggesting the presence of active persistent viral reservoir:' ACTIVE: GET IT?
RT @loscharlos: @ManvBrain @Harvard study: “Strikingly we detect spike antigen in a majority of #LongCovid patients up to 12 months post-d…
RT @EnemyInAState: 'Suggesting the presence of active persistent viral reservoir:' ACTIVE: GET IT?
'Suggesting the presence of active persistent viral reservoir:' ACTIVE: GET IT?
RT @loscharlos: @ManvBrain @Harvard study: “Strikingly we detect spike antigen in a majority of #LongCovid patients up to 12 months post-d…
@SeivwrightTrudy I repeated exactly what a study from Brigham H said about long Covid and stool samples containing spike, and that was an issue. I didn’t posted the link and maybe that cost me. I posted it days after study came out. Maybe I was ahead of th
RT @loscharlos: @ManvBrain @Harvard study: “Strikingly we detect spike antigen in a majority of #LongCovid patients up to 12 months post-d…
#LongCovid Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associated with post-acute COVID-19 sequelae https://t.co/W9SfQ4Pcry
@ManvBrain @Harvard study: “Strikingly we detect spike antigen in a majority of #LongCovid patients up to 12 months post-diagnosis, suggesting the presence of active persistent viral reservoir” (no spike found in controls) https://t.co/NVX0tBfTUq
@yakukinpapa1 @jhmdrei すみませんが、mRNAワクチンが帯状疱疹を誘発するという研究結果はどこで見られますか? スパイク蛋白質の偏在だけなら、コロナの持続感染の可能性も考えられます。 Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associated with post-acute COVID-19 sequelae https://t.co/8GV4UAUU4h https://t.co/wd0fM8LLuU
@ShaneyWright @brucep13 @DrYostradamus another study https://t.co/ZCpT8ow2Tt
@1900HO Doch, es gibt Hinweise auf Persistenz von Coronaviren... https://t.co/ZZpd1M6mry Lingering SARS-CoV-2 in Gastric and Gallbladder Tissues of Patients with Previous COVID-19 Infection https://t.co/Ko5oGnm6Qr https://t.co/3gg8w5Xnbz
@RKMetcalfe Persistent reservoir reference. Have you gone for a PCR test? https://t.co/QGY12LKEoj
@hanakihideaki この頃から言われ始めてたんですが。 https://t.co/wOOsVGTQ1M
@25_cycle @shdu11546816 @FillmoreWhite @Peter_Strachan @4tis @MooYar345 @Karmageddon67 @BillyBaldwin “Strikingly, we detect SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen in a majority of PASC patients up to 12 months post-diagnosis, suggesting the presence of an active persist
@gomaki19531 コロナ後遺症。 スパイク蛋白の有無が、一つのマーカーになるようです。 この蛋白の検査が安価にできるといいのですが。 https://t.co/V0Lf6xsnEH
@nob_ta7ka 持続感染の可能性について https://t.co/MasxQuYh74
RT @carpe_diem0820: プロテオーム解析で、SARS-CoV-2感染者では12/91種の蛋白質が以上高値を示し症状数の増加と相関 抗凝固や抗炎症に関連する20の蛋白質の異常値はLong COVIDの予測因子 Plasma proteomic signature…
"PACS (long covid hastalarında 12 ay sonra başak proteini (spike) gözlemlenmesi, vücütta aktif kalıcı virüs reservuarına işaret ediyor." Yani bulgular, #COVID19 geçirenlerde #SARSCoV2 nin gizlenerek üreme imkanı bulunduğuna işaret ediyor. https://t.co/IPFt
RT @oolsen50: @thegarance @dbdugger @alexmeshkin Growing evidence there is likely a viral reservoir in long Covid https://t.co/e5BhzgnTCV…
@mdonnino @Mehdiyac @WesElyMD @ADssx @zachherbert @Living_ProofUK @TheStoryOfPain @BIDMCEM @richardprice100 @jeremyfaust @torwager The microcirculation damage/ clotting being psyche bit of a stretch. I’d say autonomic dysfunction issues certainly worsened
@thegarance @dbdugger @alexmeshkin Growing evidence there is likely a viral reservoir in long Covid https://t.co/e5BhzgnTCV https://t.co/d210gOGuAC https://t.co/HaiZVKfV85
RT @microbeminded2: The finding below is consistent with this Harvard preprint (https://t.co/W4HxBQvpQB) that used sensitive Simoa assays o…
Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associated with post-acute COVID-19 sequelae https://t.co/JGp3X9dZSY
RT @MichaelPelusoMD: Really interesting pre-print from Harvard further suggesting that SARS-CoV-2 may persist in a viral reservoir - none o…
RT @KazBowen: Long covidの原因を示唆する論文。Long covidは一年経っても血中のSpike蛋白が検出されたというもの。ワクチンではたかだか2週間で検出されなくなるので、Activeに産生され続けている、すなわちウイルスがどっかで持続的に感染ー>スパ…
RT @MichaelPelusoMD: Really interesting pre-print from Harvard further suggesting that SARS-CoV-2 may persist in a viral reservoir - none o…
@DagsWynne @BinitaKane “Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associated with post-acute COVID-19 sequelae” https://t.co/96Iggv4PVj
RT @organichemusic: Unsurprisingly, this June 2022 preprint suggests Long Covid involves viral persistence: Full-length spike & S1 were det…
“Strikingly, we detect SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen in a majority of PASC patients up to 12 months post-diagnosis, suggesting the presence of an active persistent SARS-CoV-2 viral reservoir” https://t.co/Qkw2Q4LRAq #TruthAboutMRNAVaccines
RT @Flohchen_19: Jetzt müssten SIE Gesundheitsminister sein, dann könnten Sie jetzt ein wirksames #Infektionsschutzgesetz auf den Weg bring…
RT @Flohchen_19: Jetzt müssten SIE Gesundheitsminister sein, dann könnten Sie jetzt ein wirksames #Infektionsschutzgesetz auf den Weg bring…
@StormDAleph @ZubyMusic You still misunderstand, the spike protein in and of itself from Sars cov 2 is harmful whether you get it from mrna or an adenovirus vector or any other means https://t.co/b7ePgH6bTv https://t.co/iPQwbLWxgt https://t.co/wrPqwS2YC
@Limportant_fr on trouve du spike chez les covid-long 1 an après l'infection ou l'injection !!! D'où viennent ces protéines ?!!! https://t.co/YTkUZHmUTO
RT @carpe_diem0820: プロテオーム解析で、SARS-CoV-2感染者では12/91種の蛋白質が以上高値を示し症状数の増加と相関 抗凝固や抗炎症に関連する20の蛋白質の異常値はLong COVIDの予測因子 Plasma proteomic signature…
RT @carpe_diem0820: プロテオーム解析で、SARS-CoV-2感染者では12/91種の蛋白質が以上高値を示し症状数の増加と相関 抗凝固や抗炎症に関連する20の蛋白質の異常値はLong COVIDの予測因子 Plasma proteomic signature…
プロテオーム解析で、SARS-CoV-2感染者では12/91種の蛋白質が以上高値を示し症状数の増加と相関 抗凝固や抗炎症に関連する20の蛋白質の異常値はLong COVIDの予測因子 Plasma proteomic signature predicts who will get persistent symptoms following SARS-CoV-2 infection https://t.co/VZ4nL7RrEw https://t.co/7co5B8BuqW
covid circulating 12 months post infection if you have Dysbiosis
RT @onuhgrrarrow: @vgr last I heard was this: https://t.co/6C4tDKIEeX
@vgr last I heard was this: https://t.co/6C4tDKIEeX
@JDHaltigan Plenty of lab abnormalities, as I've told you before. https://t.co/gk4Ua5Fvrk
@k_hirahata 素人考えで申し訳ありません。 スパイク蛋白の有無についての検査も必要かとおもうのですが、いかがでしょうか。 https://t.co/V0Lf6xsnEH
@LabsMeducate @VPrasadMDMPH @dnunan79 Let alone understand viral latency.
RT @fearnley_k: 💥NEW PREPRINT from Harvard: #viralpersistence #LongCovid Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associated with post-…
RT @fearnley_k: 💥NEW PREPRINT from Harvard: #viralpersistence #LongCovid Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associated with post-…
RT @koichi_kawakami: @h5t @C45425 検索で見つけました。この論文ですね。 あとで、読んでみます😊 "Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associated with post-acute COV…
Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associated with post-acute COVID-19 sequelae “we detect SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen in a majority of PASC patients up to 12 months post-diagnosis, suggesting the presence of an active persistent viral reservoir” http
RT @koichi_kawakami: @h5t @C45425 検索で見つけました。この論文ですね。 あとで、読んでみます😊 "Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associated with post-acute COV…
RT @koichi_kawakami: @h5t @C45425 検索で見つけました。この論文ですね。 あとで、読んでみます😊 "Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associated with post-acute COV…
RT @koichi_kawakami: @__fusion @h5t @C45425 私もそうかと思ったのですが、annals of neurologyではないのですよね。 https://t.co/rvh6DRhE5s
RT @koichi_kawakami: @h5t @C45425 検索で見つけました。この論文ですね。 あとで、読んでみます😊 "Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associated with post-acute COV…
@__fusion @h5t @C45425 私もそうかと思ったのですが、annals of neurologyではないのですよね。 https://t.co/rvh6DRhE5s
RT @koichi_kawakami: @h5t @C45425 検索で見つけました。この論文ですね。 あとで、読んでみます😊 "Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associated with post-acute COV…
RT @koichi_kawakami: @h5t @C45425 検索で見つけました。この論文ですね。 あとで、読んでみます😊 "Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associated with post-acute COV…
@h5t @C45425 検索で見つけました。この論文ですね。 あとで、読んでみます😊 "Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associated with post-acute COVID-19 sequelae" https://t.co/iDJ6kFpyEp 掲載前のアーカイブ↓ https://t.co/DMjRAK0aV9 Scientific Americanの記事↓ https://t.co/KQ5wP3GQlO
@k_hirahata コロナ後遺症。 新型コロナは慢性疲労症候群を引き起こす可能性があるそうです。 https://t.co/AXNcAtSpZy Sたんぱく質の存在がひとつの指標になるかもしれません。 https://t.co/Ftnn2mNGbP
RT @SamMc413: Sources: Viral Persistence [1] https://t.co/LaopAExQ7i [2] https://t.co/4iH83oug0M [3] https://t.co/hX8qzJKTPp [4] https://t…
RT @Ashmedaidemon: Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associated with post-acute COVID-19 sequelae https://t.co/f6oVe8SL6Q
RT @Dr2NisreenAlwan: @rddysum @WSJ I did a short thread on this study when it came out as a preprint a few months ago: https://t.co/IYSaaP9…
@rddysum @WSJ I did a short thread on this study when it came out as a preprint a few months ago: https://t.co/IYSaaP9SBo
RT @fearnley_k: @angie_rasmussen @EbonyJHilton_MD I don’t think it is very different to Long Covid. Growing evidence of viral persistence i…
Persistent circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike is associated with post-acute COVID-19 sequelae https://t.co/y2vrxVMOCJ
RT @microbeminded2: The finding below is consistent with this Harvard preprint (https://t.co/W4HxBQvpQB) that used sensitive Simoa assays o…
RT @breakfastnick: Harvard researchers find circulating spike protein in the blood of long haulers, but not controls, 12 months post diagno…
@BuldBackBetter @apsmunro Pre-print, but interesting study about long covid. https://t.co/5sapqbvw5Y
RT @kajirou: @doyobii 査読前の論文ですが。 後遺症患者にスパイク蛋白の存在するかどうかが、精神的なものか否かの指標になり得るとの論文がありました。 早く診断法として確立されることを願っています。 https://t.co/Ftnn2mNGbP
@shelleyjules @chydorina @organichemusic Correct link. https://t.co/nzWGa5KKaR