@Theo_TJ_Jordan can you provide an example of CC misinformation? Because, to their credit, they published the seminal paper showing the relationship of # vaccine doses to likelihood of infection (the more shots, the more likely you are to catch Covid). htt
@J4yGrant @BarryHunt008 "lower population of those with 1 or 0 doses" The graph is based on rate, not numerical populations. More vaccines resulted in more infections https://t.co/WlgJE5VEx1
@Frisian77 @CensoredPeasant @thehealthb0t @john_bumblebee @mauricedehond @AndereKrant @dancalegria @davidicke @ongehoordnedtv @ANTlWEF Here is the study: https://t.co/NcriN4W9vX And here is a failed fact-check of that study which is simply fascinating be
@ShaskusJ @MdBreathe 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection
@fairy_garcia_ @CDCDirector 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing inf
RT @You3_JP: 米国のトップレベルの学術医療センターであるクリーブランドクリニックの新しい研究によれば、コロナの 感染リスクがワクチンの接種回数とともに増加することが判明した。 研究者は、これが予想外の事実であると認め、mRNA の有効性に疑問を投げかけている。 ht…
Mit der Einrichtungsbezogenen Impfpflicht verübte Vakzinist Janosch Dahmen Menschenrechtsverbrechen an den Menschen im Gesundheitssektor und machte die Menschen obendrein krank. Will der Wissenschaftsleugner das Gesundheitssystem lahm legen? https://t.co/p
@newstart_2024 From the study. “The risk of COVID-19 also varied by the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses previously received. The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19 (Figure 2).” https://t.co/WN
@toobaffled Misleading. He misunderstood the study (link below), which said, “Risk of COVID-19 also increased with … the number of vaccine doses previously received.” This refers to the falling effectiveness of each next dose, not to an anti-vaccine effect
@pjrobar @FiveTimesAugust You might want to delete that. It’s not false. These were high powered, robust studies. Don’t expect Pharma-controlled agencies to endorse this. Cleveland Clinic Study https://t.co/g34o9nCDzt Second Cleveland Clinic Study ht
@toobaffled https://t.co/JfAiGISwtY This is the study. He cherry-picked. There were factors that caused this screwed data, its cos covid vaxed were more likely to get tested, to go to hospitals even with minor symptoms.
@RoKhanna If by help you mean cause more cases. https://t.co/erdv7dugTY https://t.co/paNHdG5bnj
@atomic_mum @Asterweireld @OrdinarySlav @BrokenMuzzle @theereal_one LOL If that were even remotely true you would be linking data instead of hurling insults. Why don't you "analyze" this data, you propaganda-baiting troll bolstering Big Pharma lies? https:
@jonathanstea @HislopMD Are you familiar with the Cleveland Clinic study of 51,011 employees that showed: "The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19" https://t.co/cgQdIJrbTh https://t.co/2SV2shOFGF
@DrEricDing 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection depending
@JeromeAdamsMD 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection depend
@VacSafety @US_FDA @pfizer @Moderna 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preven
@JeromeAdamsMD 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection depend
@daniakagigi @TheRedactedInc The first study to show this was the Cleveland study, which you can find here: https://t.co/NZfxxEVEUV
@miller_18D Not a problem! The first study to observe this was the Cleveland study: https://t.co/NZfxxEVEUV
@dolphins72281 Is this what you are looking for? https://t.co/NZfxxEWcKt
@TerriMS_Fighter This study shows that the more studies you get, the more likely you are to contract Covid: https://t.co/NZfxxEVEUV
@OGOCv1 This was the first to show that: https://t.co/NZfxxEWcKt
@COVID19_disease 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection dependi
@JeromeAdamsMD 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection depending
@AlexaLohmann24 Ich persönlich kenne niemand der ungeimpft ist mehr als einmal Omicron hatte. Dafür aber viele geimpfte die mehrmals. Zufall? https://t.co/fe4a8Zmh8E https://t.co/Jl1PdsLKaS
@2byIV @CaulfieldTim @WSJ 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infectio
@CaulfieldTim @WSJ 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection depen
@RogerSeheult @RobertKennedyJr @DrCHuber While you’re reading. Stop recommending covid vaccines. https://t.co/wzLV8jQOR7 https://t.co/gEnWnUXlSP
@SalWitcher 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection depending on
RT @eliebre83: @DIVIZIO1 Étude publiée le 19/12/2022 en préprint, toujours LA référence , voir courbe planquée dans les supplementary data…
@DIVIZIO1 Étude publiée le 19/12/2022 en préprint, toujours LA référence , voir courbe planquée dans les supplementary data ( sinon cela n’aurait jamais été publié, surtout à l’époque du « sûr et efficace » https://t.co/KVHsA0lZKg
@bcarolcox @JeromeAdamsMD 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infec
@DrEricDing @ASPRgov 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection dep
@JeromeAdamsMD 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection depending
@DJBandana @Me_Is_Wagner @BritisherPaz49 https://t.co/MDSGuE8C1s "The risk of COVID-19 also varied by the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses previously received. The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID
@Concern70732755 Do you believe the Cleveland Clinic knows how to do medical research properly? If so, the answer is obvious. https://t.co/AMUILKlHer
@RogerSeheult @brianmocogni Have you ever discussed the Cleveland clinic study in any of your YouTube videos? I’d love to hear you spin on it. You’re a smart guy, you don’t have to be captured by Pharma. https://t.co/wzLV8jQOR7 https://t.co/DweKHZvDY7
@Jul101Vie 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection depending
@RickABright @Jul101Vie 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infecti
@Jul101Vie 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection depending
@BNOFeed 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection depending on
@JeromeAdamsMD 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection depend
RT @Lucky17171717: @MdBreathe 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously recei…
@ApuAkkad1 @P_McCulloughMD 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infe
@P_McCulloughMD 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection depend
@MdBreathe 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection depending o
@AboutPediatrics @newstart_2024 The study from the Cleveland Clinic (of 50k working age adults) shows a direct correlation between # of shots and frequency of Covid. Check it out Vincent. https://t.co/HBP8FEJp1h
@ExerUrgentCare 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection dependin
@LibbyAnnR1 @ConversationUS @PurdueHHS 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preven
RT @Lucky17171717: @FOXLA Dr. Nathan Newman urgent care physician @ExerUrgentCare Dr. Libby Richards RN PhD Doctor of Philosophy @LibbyA…
@FOXLA Dr. Nathan Newman urgent care physician @ExerUrgentCare Dr. Libby Richards RN PhD Doctor of Philosophy @LibbyAnnR1 https://t.co/EUHXqWPrVU https://t.co/g0V7lUZiH7 https://t.co/SjQFqkEriR
@brownecfm 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection depending on
@20221D172022 @COVID19_disease Lovely theories but in practice the greater the number of C19 vaccinations, the more likely to become infected: https://t.co/pvMh8QsyR8
@CylonSaysNo @DFwcqp8j8nw @HorribleNews4U @disorderedyyc @HouseLyndseyRN @128GLLM @toobaffled @NCICanada Here is the recent peer reviewed Cleveland Study on vaccine efficiency regarding Covid-19. https://t.co/UbGzlLzCq7 https://t.co/39ONXkwtGC
@__Hornet__ @LibertyRising6 @ScottyGoesAgain https://t.co/abYvNRMFHI You can read the study yourself. Please make sure you stay caught up on your boosters! It's would be a shame if you fell behind and became an anti-vaxxer!
@RichMarinKT @Sara43347888 @AbraarKaran 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in pr
@SICNoticias Só haverá alerta nos países com elevada taxa de vacinação, como é o caso de Portugal. Há evidência publicada que: "The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19 (Figure 2)" https://t.co/BbO
@oxbits @JeromeAdamsMD 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infectio
@NationalNurses 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection depen
@PPEtoheros @RickABright @CEPIvaccines @IPPSecretariat @WHO @FINDdx @WHOAFRO 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 v
@VigilantFox @TheChiefNerd Buried Bombshell: Cleveland Clinic Publishes Study -MRNA Vaccines Increase Risk of Contracting COVID-19; Each Booster Shot Raises Risk Even More in Study of 51,000 Cleveland Clinic Workers- https://t.co/AMUILKmf3Z
@TheChiefNerd It’s called Negative Efficacy “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” https://t.co/EUHXqWPrVU
@Sharkyl @FrensWeMade @Jason @_mm85 https://t.co/xj0IuCMo2Q Cleveland clinic study on their healthcare workers showed the more vaccine doses you’ve had, the more likely you are to catch covid. Sorry that you’ve bought into the propaganda, but original an
@Euske21 @paulofsmethwick @kova2066 @BGatesIsaPyscho So, if you can understand it, what does the study show? And, if you mean this study (https://t.co/G2uPHvTDbL) then it showed that vaccines become less effective as strains evolve that are increasingly
@PeoplesCDC Have you folks read the Cleveland Study that demonstrates that more Covid vaccines lead to greater risk of negative Covid outcomes? https://t.co/b8nbYF6IfB We don’t need free vaccines until/unless they have been guaranteed to be safe & effe
@LongDesertTrain How do we reconcile the Cleveland Study that shows that the more vaccines one receives, the greater the risk of Covid? https://t.co/b8nbYF6IfB
RT @walkmiddlepath: @newstart_2024 Here is the study of anyone wants it https://t.co/ZCj2A7Qi5M
@newstart_2024 Here is the study of anyone wants it https://t.co/ZCj2A7Qi5M
@ShelbyAnneM101 @According2Luke Yes it does turn negative. https://t.co/Ntj5hr7lW9 https://t.co/EOchzt1lgI
@Gatekee98284048 @InkedUpDevin @CovidDataReport Anyone who still promotes “vaccines” after that fact that they don’t stop infection nor transmission and Cleveland study states that more vaccines lead to worse outcomes (https://t.co/b8nbYF6IfB) has lost tou
@BBCBreakfast 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection dependi
@JeromeAdamsMD 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection depend
@JeromeAdamsMD 💩 12-19-2022 The Cleveland Clinic studied 51,011 employees🚨 “higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19” bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was 29% 20% 4% effective in preventing infection depend