RT @EricTopol: How long is #LongCovid? The most extensive symptom assessment and longest duration (7 months) of nearly 3,800 individuals sh…
So, infecting people en masse looks like a brilliant economic strategy, then, right? Nevermind those pesky ethics.
RT @EricTopol: How long is #LongCovid? The most extensive symptom assessment and longest duration (7 months) of nearly 3,800 individuals sh…
RT @pqpolitics: @ElizabethRBess @saveonfoods @adriandix @jjhorgan Maybe give out copies of some of these charts & say 10-30% of people with…
RT @pqpolitics: @ElizabethRBess @saveonfoods @adriandix @jjhorgan Maybe give out copies of some of these charts & say 10-30% of people with…
@ElizabethRBess @saveonfoods @adriandix @jjhorgan Maybe give out copies of some of these charts & say 10-30% of people with Covid get #LongCovid And Long Covid is not afraid of you. Characterizing Long COVID in an International Cohort: 7 Months of
RT @EricTopol: How long is #LongCovid? The most extensive symptom assessment and longest duration (7 months) of nearly 3,800 individuals sh…
@Greg93462729 @BBCNewsnight @maitlis @LongCovidSOS @selkieO Yh there's literally hundreds (in just a few months). Here's just a few: https://t.co/6hRvfBGCt2 https://t.co/TQmjv4x4sB https://t.co/6hRvfBGCt2 https://t.co/df4SnfOvP7 https://t.co/VdZGYMkX
@KHCSL1 @chrischirp (Image from NHS website, https://t.co/uxXPuy1a5T
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @andersskyrud: Nå blir det en del flere enn de to tweetsa jeg lova, men en siste kjepphest: Jeg tror veldig mye av problemene i dette hj…
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
@Mad_Al_ @larsweisbrod Ich hatte noch auf diesen Artikel verwiesen: https://t.co/QHQKn0iCuR Der bezieht sich auf diese Studie, die auch keinen Unterschieden zwischen positiv und negativ getesteten (PCR/Antibody) auffinden kann, außer beim Sympom "Loss of
@Jafar874 @wesertobi Das ist ein "may" in der final conclusion, ganz interessant, aber kein Ergebnis, kein Sprengstoff. Außerdem ist die Reduktion von #LongCovid auf psychische Probleme ja verengt: https://t.co/xImAGEf8a5 https://t.co/p51rvS4tCu https://t
@slowmanluis @9x19 10-30 percent of people who get covid get #LongCovid including asymptomatic people let alone people with symptoms LongCovid is not a walk in the park Characterizing Long COVID in an International Cohort: 7 Months of Symptoms and Their
Want #covid19 or #LongCovid? Go to downtown Vancouver So. Many. #PlagueSpreaders not wearing masks. Vast majority of people I saw:( #LongCovid is not just losing 25% of your lung function 7 Months of LC Symptoms and Their Impact https://t.co/yKgcJT
RT @Dr_Melissa_B: @Chican3ry Here's the study if you're interested... (and one of the trans women in it is me). https://t.co/oWLJEFFGEm
@Chican3ry Here's the study if you're interested... (and one of the trans women in it is me). https://t.co/oWLJEFFGEm
RT @FrankfurtZack: @BallouxFrancois Evidence that #LongCovid is mainly a psychosomatic disorder: Of 2330 #longhaulers, only 600 had a posit…
RT @FrankfurtZack: @BallouxFrancois Evidence that #LongCovid is mainly a psychosomatic disorder: Of 2330 #longhaulers, only 600 had a posit…
@allatti2d @larrybrilliant https://t.co/xPFdS4ByxC Follow @ahandvanish for a focus on #LongCovid
Characterizing Long COVID in an International Cohort: 7 Months of Symptoms and Their Impact https://t.co/B64vKggYI8
RT @drdickybudiman: Spt pandemi lainnya, siapapun bisa saja tdk peduli/tdk percaya COVID-19. Tapi fakta ilmiah membuktikan bhw bahkan pd OT…
@trishgreenhalgh @martinmckee A substantial number of these will not recover, but transition into longer term post viral conditions that can disable for life if it follows the symptom path it does in adults. https://t.co/uxXPuy1a5T https://t.co/H2wfgpm534
@Percy_Bear_Esq @Lewmiari @JaneBransby @rupert_pearse @josh_soane Long covid is estimated to impact 1 million people in the UK, and is described by the Royal Collage of Psychiatry to have "psychological, psychiatric and neuropsychiatric symptoms" including
85% of people who had #LongCovid were NOT hospitalized for #Covid19 25-30% of people with Covid will develop LC researcher on #cbc. Want to go into indoor bars, restaurants, movies now or give up masks Sept 1st with #Delta? See diff LC study https://t
@JaneJac51303094 @doctorasadkhan https://t.co/uxXPuy1a5T - one example of the ~1/3 or so that exhibit PEM and do not recover notably in 7 months.
@Steffen14434180 @Sunshin47139354 @lazydays79 @Karl_Lauterbach Mein Risiko, aufgrund meines Alters, daran zu sterben mag gering sein. Unterschätz nicht das Risiko für Longcovid. https://t.co/65YP1YEtcO https://t.co/3vBVNrc7Uo https://t.co/3bD5z6A5XQ
@Steffen14434180 @Sunshin47139354 @lazydays79 @Karl_Lauterbach Kommt jetzt das Argument, dass ja hauptsächlich die Alten sterben? Das wäre ne sehr einseitige Sichtweise. Es gibt mehr als tot oder gesund nach einer Coronainfektion. https://t.co/SiWBNtFxG
RT @WeingartenDE: Studie: #LongCovid einer internationalen Kohorte, #Symptome und ihre Auswirkungen Anhaltende Multisystem-Beteiligung und…
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
@ThiagoCosentin6 @oatila Pode ser brain fog ou nevoeiro mental. Dois estudos falando sobre os sintomas pós-covid: https://t.co/rrIe2s1sdR https://t.co/uaKVj9nYS5
RT @drdickybudiman: Spt pandemi lainnya, siapapun bisa saja tdk peduli/tdk percaya COVID-19. Tapi fakta ilmiah membuktikan bhw bahkan pd OT…
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @LongCovidUS: Just the start of valuable patient driven insights! #LongCovid
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @drdickybudiman: Spt pandemi lainnya, siapapun bisa saja tdk peduli/tdk percaya COVID-19. Tapi fakta ilmiah membuktikan bhw bahkan pd OT…
@surreywillis Congrats in advance on finally getting a complete vaccine vs the partial one. Too bad you had a bad reaction to the first one, but study of 1.9 million shows 23% of people with CV had #LongCovid Some of the symptoms of #LongCovid from an e
RT @drdickybudiman: Spt pandemi lainnya, siapapun bisa saja tdk peduli/tdk percaya COVID-19. Tapi fakta ilmiah membuktikan bhw bahkan pd OT…
RT @drdickybudiman: Spt pandemi lainnya, siapapun bisa saja tdk peduli/tdk percaya COVID-19. Tapi fakta ilmiah membuktikan bhw bahkan pd OT…
Buset dah...!
RT @drdickybudiman: Spt pandemi lainnya, siapapun bisa saja tdk peduli/tdk percaya COVID-19. Tapi fakta ilmiah membuktikan bhw bahkan pd OT…
RT @drdickybudiman: Spt pandemi lainnya, siapapun bisa saja tdk peduli/tdk percaya COVID-19. Tapi fakta ilmiah membuktikan bhw bahkan pd OT…
Spt pandemi lainnya, siapapun bisa saja tdk peduli/tdk percaya COVID-19. Tapi fakta ilmiah membuktikan bhw bahkan pd OTG dampak jangka panjang COVID-19 bisa serius: mulai dari penurunan fungsi otak, mata, telinga hingga penis! https://t.co/mY9vPzDW9x http
@rdumont99 @brish_ti @loridennis604 Wow. Narcissist Boris Johnson, who was dumb enough to shake hands with #covid19 patients AND brag that he did it at a live presser & wound up in ICU with covid on a ventilator is testing for #LongCovid. If Boris can
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @ahandvanish: @emily_fri This thread includes information on our @patientled preprint - probably the most downloaded Long COVID preprint:
@emily_fri @patientled Just made this list of resources recently as well:
@emily_fri This thread includes information on our @patientled preprint - probably the most downloaded Long COVID preprint:
@Sportmedisch 4) https://t.co/jeEeYm8mhR https://t.co/mzM4peygY0 https://t.co/mW5zLltfa7 https://t.co/kM3nF3QUv3 https://t.co/UnhWVEM62q Het schijnt dat de NIH patiënten hier nu ook aan gaan onderwerpen om meer inzichten te krijgen in het fenomee
@me_josia @AK_Meier @MKreutzfeldt @harrynator @heim_taz Ach so, sag doch, wenn du dich nicht auskennst. Ab 12 Wochen üblicherweise, aber dann ist es sowieso meist bald ein halbes Jahr. https://t.co/eYHkSLwar4 https://t.co/ik7dnkSCyU https://t.co/ons1t0CR0
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @ahandvanish: @MarkedByCovid Phew, where to even start :) For symptom prevalence and impact on work & daily life, our recent preprint i…
RT @ahandvanish: @MarkedByCovid Phew, where to even start :) For symptom prevalence and impact on work & daily life, our recent preprint i…
@MarkedByCovid Phew, where to even start :) For symptom prevalence and impact on work & daily life, our recent preprint is generally a good overview (~130k views): https://t.co/hu6gZgCM41 We did an earlier one in April 2020 that was designed for pat
@AxelAssouline @Sochalila "The most frequent symptoms reported after month 6 were: fatigue (77.7%, 74.9% to 80.3%), post-exertional malaise (72.2%, 69.3% to 75.0%), and cognitive dysfunction (55.4%, 52.4% to 58.8%)." https://t.co/DnrDyhzSuq
@AxelAssouline @Sochalila "Patients with Long COVID report prolonged multisystem involvement and significant disability. Most had not returned to previous levels of work by 6 months. Many patients are not recovered by 7 months, and continue to experience s
RT @a_broomstick: Well this is a very interesting thread on #LongCovid symptoms and development of them from the initial virus . Certainly…
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
This is what we are unleashing onto the next generation by allowing school transmission to proceed without vaccination.
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
Well this is a very interesting thread on #LongCovid symptoms and development of them from the initial virus . Certainly from perspective of #MECFS where frequently starts with unknown virus. Are other #MECFS just asymptotic but still caused by virus?
@MichaelRosenYes Hi Michael. If you've not already seen this thread on #LongCovid and associated brain fog/memory loss in all ages, you may find it interesting.
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @IlindelatorreMD: #longcovid . 3,762 #longhaulers (enfermo más de 28 días) que se enfermaron entre diciembre y mayo (para ver un promed…
RT @IlindelatorreMD: #longcovid . 3,762 #longhaulers (enfermo más de 28 días) que se enfermaron entre diciembre y mayo (para ver un promed…
RT @IlindelatorreMD: #longcovid . 3,762 #longhaulers (enfermo más de 28 días) que se enfermaron entre diciembre y mayo (para ver un promed…
RT @IlindelatorreMD: #longcovid . 3,762 #longhaulers (enfermo más de 28 días) que se enfermaron entre diciembre y mayo (para ver un promed…
RT @IlindelatorreMD: #longcovid . 3,762 #longhaulers (enfermo más de 28 días) que se enfermaron entre diciembre y mayo (para ver un promed…
RT @IlindelatorreMD: #longcovid . 3,762 #longhaulers (enfermo más de 28 días) que se enfermaron entre diciembre y mayo (para ver un promed…
RT @IlindelatorreMD: #longcovid . 3,762 #longhaulers (enfermo más de 28 días) que se enfermaron entre diciembre y mayo (para ver un promed…
RT @IlindelatorreMD: #longcovid . 3,762 #longhaulers (enfermo más de 28 días) que se enfermaron entre diciembre y mayo (para ver un promed…
RT @IlindelatorreMD: #longcovid . 3,762 #longhaulers (enfermo más de 28 días) que se enfermaron entre diciembre y mayo (para ver un promed…
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
#longcovid . 3,762 #longhaulers (enfermo más de 28 días) que se enfermaron entre diciembre y mayo (para ver un promedio de datos de aproximadamente seis meses).
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
Doch auch bei milden Verläufen können Spätfolgen auftreten, wie der Preprint einer weiteren Studie zeigt: https://t.co/CdgKxF3WU5 (6/x)
RT @SithElephant: @Dr2NisreenAlwan And of course will continue to increase unless an effective treatment is found, for the group of longcov…
RT @ahandvanish: Yay our #LongCovid paper is online!!! https://t.co/JWGWnmdxRB While we had a few thousand more fill in the survey, this…
RT @WeingartenDE: Studie: #LongCovid einer internationalen Kohorte, #Symptome und ihre Auswirkungen Anhaltende Multisystem-Beteiligung und…
RT @SithElephant: @Dr2NisreenAlwan And of course will continue to increase unless an effective treatment is found, for the group of longcov…
@Dr2NisreenAlwan And of course will continue to increase unless an effective treatment is found, for the group of longcovid patients with post-exertional malaise that do not seem to be on a recovery trajectory at 7mo. https://t.co/oAKR9SFsXT