Ilgasis COVID: nuovargis ir psichologinė migla
Delfi Lietuva,
Šių metų vasario 25 d. minėtoms pasekmėms Pasaulio sveikatos organizacija suteikė oficialų pavadinimą – „Ilgasis COVID“.
Šių metų vasario 25 d. minėtoms pasekmėms Pasaulio sveikatos organizacija suteikė oficialų pavadinimą – „Ilgasis COVID“.
Corona-Langzeitfolgen: Vorboten von Long-Covid? Forscher identifizieren fünf Symptome, die Risiko erhöhen Dass Corona schwere…
Publiziert 23. März 2021, 16:34 Bis heute haben sich mehrere Millionen Menschen mit Sars-CoV-2 angesteckt.
A covid pode deixar sequelas como problemas de memória "A covid-19 é, sem sombra de dúvidas, a doença mais preocupante do século…
Sintomas podem afetar as pessoas por meses após a infecção e não está claro se alguns deles serão permanentes.
Sintomas podem afetar as pessoas por meses após a infecção e não está claro se alguns deles serão permanentes.
Cristiane Martins De Londres para a BBC News Brasil Há 24 minutos Crédito, Getty Images "A covid-19 é, sem sombra de dúvidas, a…
COVID-19 Sintomas podem afetar as pessoas por meses após a infecção e não está claro se alguns deles serão permanentes "A covid-1…
Após se recuperarem da infecção pelo novo coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2) e estarem "saudáveis", inúmeros pacientes relatam uma série…
Det haster med å slå ned smitten. Publisert: 16.03.21 kl. 08:47 DAG JACOBSEN, avdelingsleder, dr.
Cristiane Martins – De Londres para a BBC News Brasil Efeitos da Covid-19: o que causa e como tratar a queda de cabelo que…
Cristiane Martins – De Londres para a BBC News Brasil Efeitos da Covid-19: o que causa e como tratar a queda de cabelo que…
parte da cabeça com cabelos longos e pedaço do couro cabeludo sem fios A estudante universitária Janaina Corrêa, de 24 anos…
Cristiane Martins De Londres para a BBC News Brasil Há 31 minutos Crédito, Getty Images A estudante universitária Janaina Corrêa…
Cristiane Martins De Londres para a BBC News Brasil Há 8 minutos Crédito, Getty Images A estudante universitária Janaina Corrêa…
Cristiane Martins De Londres para a BBC News Brasil Há 38 minutos Crédito, Getty Images A estudante universitária Janaina Corrêa…
Eat This, Not That! Sure Signs You Have “Long” COVID, According to a New Study Every day researchers are learning more about…
Daten von fast 50.000 Patienten: Erschreckendes Schaubild zeigt: Long Covid trifft beinahe jede Stelle des Körpers So wie…
Every day researchers are learning more about long hauler syndrome, formally referred to as post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 …
Every day researchers are learning more about long hauler syndrome, formally referred to as post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 …
“Identificamos un total de 55 efectos a largo plazo asociados con COVID-19”, expresa el estudio elaborado por siete…
A few months into the COVID-19 pandemic it became clear that not everyone was fully recovering from the highly infectious virus.
El 80 por ciento de quienes superan la COVID-19 han presentado, al menos, uno de 55 síntomas hasta 112 días después de haber…
Bei Strategien zur Corona-Pandemie diskutieren Ärzte und Politiker meist Infektions- und Sterberaten, Auswirkungen auf Kinder…
One of the scariest aspects of COVID-19 is that some people who are infected with the virus are not fully recovering—even those…
One of the scariest aspects of COVID-19 is that some people who are infected with the virus are not fully recovering—even those…
Ocho de cada 10 pacientes con COVID-19 presentaban al menos un síntoma persistente desde los 14 días hasta las 16 semanas después…
Maybe you thought you had COVID and never got tested because they weren’t available or accessible at the time.
Maybe you thought you had COVID and never got tested because they weren’t available or accessible at the time.
Some 55 different long-term effects of coronavirus have been identified by a systematic review.
A few months into the coronavirus pandemic, it became clear that some people weren't recovering from the virus.
A few months into the coronavirus pandemic, it became clear that some people weren't recovering from the virus.
Ocho de cada 10 pacientes con covid-19 presentaban al menos un sntoma persistente desde los 14 das hasta las 16 semanas despus…
In this Special Feature, we round up the existing evidence on the gastrointestinal symptoms in COVID-19.
Lea este artículo en The Ocho de cada 10 pacientes con covid-19 presentaban al menos un síntoma persistente…
Et drøyt år etter at koronaviruset ble påvist i Wuhan i Kina, har mer enn 2,3 millioner mennesker dødd av covid-19 på…
With vaccine manufacturing delays, mutant variants and continuous breaches in hotel quarantine the pandemic has dug its claws…
Hasta 55 síntomas psicológicos y físicos afectan a personas que enfermaron de COVID-19, según revela un metaanálisis con…
By now, we know the familiar warning signs of COVID-19 : Fever, cough, shortness of breath.
By now, we know the familiar warning signs of COVID-19 : Fever, cough, shortness of breath.
Eighty percent of people who've had COVID-19 find themselves in a similar situation: With lingering symptoms weeks after their…
Eighty percent of people who've had COVID-19 find themselves in a similar situation: With lingering symptoms weeks after their…
If you had COVID-19, suffering either a mild, moderate, or severe infection, and are still suffering from mysterious symptoms…
If you had COVID-19, suffering either a mild, moderate, or severe infection, and are still suffering from mysterious symptoms…
If you had COVID-19, suffering either a mild, moderate, or severe infection, and are still suffering from mysterious symptoms…
Ocho de cada 10 pacientes con covid-19 presentaban al menos un sntoma persistente desde los 14 das hasta las 16 semanas despus…
Ocho de cada 10 pacientes con covid-19 presentaban al menos un síntoma persistente desde los 14 días hasta las 16 semanas después…
Un grupo de investigadoras describe hasta 55 secuelas a largo plazo de la covid 8 de cada 10 contagiados sufrirá un síntoma de…
iStock 08/02/2021 Ocho de cada 10 pacientes con covid-19 presentaban al menos un síntoma persistente desde los 14 días hasta…
Ocho de cada 10 pacientes con covid-19 presentaban al menos un síntoma persistente desde los 14 días hasta las 16 semanas después…
Ocho de cada 10 pacientes con covid-19 presentaban al menos un síntoma persistente desde los 14 días hasta las 16 semanas después…
Infografía: López-León S. More than 50 long-term effects of Covid-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis..Gema…
A few months into the COVID-19 pandemic it became clear that not everyone was fully recovering from the highly infectious virus.
A few months into the COVID-19 pandemic it became clear that not everyone was fully recovering from the highly infectious virus.
A few months into the COVID-19 pandemic it became clear that not everyone was fully recovering from the highly infectious virus.
¿Dolor de cabeza? ¿Fatiga? ¿No puedes saborear la comida? Muy probablemente éstas puedan ser secuelas de covid-19, la…
Fatiga, dolor de cabeza, falta de atención, caída de cabello, disnea son los cinco efectos más frecuentes por covid-19 ¿Dolor…
La caída de pelo, en un 25 % de los pacientes, es la cuarta más común Casi 40.000 personas permanecen en estos momentos…
There are several side effects of COVID-19, many of which are short-term and subside within a few days or weeks of recovering.
There are several side effects of COVID-19, many of which are short-term and subside within a few days or weeks of recovering.
There are several -19, many of which are short-term and subside within a few days or weeks of recovering.
Автор: 1 минута В обзор включены 15 исследований из разных стран, которые охватывали около 44,8 тысяч пациентов 17-87 лет перенес…
Infectious Disease > COVID-19 More than 50 effects persisted after acute infection, meta-analysis shows by Senior Staff Writer…