@Dennis_NJ_FL @washingtonpost This study has been withdrawn after it was debunked and the errors it was based on were pointed out. Here is the retraction: https://t.co/oFKmJchTMo
RT @j_sato: 有効性の下方修正、副反応の上方修正が続くmRNA💉、カナダ・オタワ州の大規模調査が、心筋炎・心膜炎の発生頻度は1,000人に1人😱と発表。発生頻度の桁がさらに1つアップ https://t.co/tiQ8S6VCON ・若い男性×モデルナが最悪 ・分母不…
RT @j_sato: 有効性の下方修正、副反応の上方修正が続くmRNA💉、カナダ・オタワ州の大規模調査が、心筋炎・心膜炎の発生頻度は1,000人に1人😱と発表。発生頻度の桁がさらに1つアップ https://t.co/tiQ8S6VCON ・若い男性×モデルナが最悪 ・分母不…
RT @j_sato: 有効性の下方修正、副反応の上方修正が続くmRNA💉、カナダ・オタワ州の大規模調査が、心筋炎・心膜炎の発生頻度は1,000人に1人😱と発表。発生頻度の桁がさらに1つアップ https://t.co/tiQ8S6VCON ・若い男性×モデルナが最悪 ・分母不…
RT @j_sato: 有効性の下方修正、副反応の上方修正が続くmRNA💉、カナダ・オタワ州の大規模調査が、心筋炎・心膜炎の発生頻度は1,000人に1人😱と発表。発生頻度の桁がさらに1つアップ https://t.co/tiQ8S6VCON ・若い男性×モデルナが最悪 ・分母不…
RT @j_sato: 有効性の下方修正、副反応の上方修正が続くmRNA💉、カナダ・オタワ州の大規模調査が、心筋炎・心膜炎の発生頻度は1,000人に1人😱と発表。発生頻度の桁がさらに1つアップ https://t.co/tiQ8S6VCON ・若い男性×モデルナが最悪 ・分母不…
Kafil pre-print retracted due to major error in the estimate of incidence. https://t.co/P0mG3KMRgL
RT @pokrath: หลังจากมีนักข่าวเอาผลยังไม่ได้ผ่านการรีวิว (preprint) ไปโหมเรื่องกล้ามเนื้อและเยื่อหุ้มใจอักเสบให้กลัวทั้งแผ่นดิน ผลงานฉบับนั้…
#mRNA #COVID19 #Vaccination and Development of CMR-Confirmed #Myopericarditis: https://t.co/nM7PX8IOpa.
RT @JamesSurowiecki: Canadian study that found an absurdly high myocarditis rate of 1 in 1000 among ppl getting mRNA vaccines was completel…
RT @JamesSurowiecki: Canadian study that found an absurdly high myocarditis rate of 1 in 1000 among ppl getting mRNA vaccines was completel…
RT @RetractionWatch: “The problem is not the preprint server, the problem is that nobody ever provides any context around it.” Our Ivan Ora…
RT @RetractionWatch: “The problem is not the preprint server, the problem is that nobody ever provides any context around it.” Our Ivan Ora…
RT @RetractionWatch: “The problem is not the preprint server, the problem is that nobody ever provides any context around it.” Our Ivan Ora…
“The problem is not the preprint server, the problem is that nobody ever provides any context around it.” Our Ivan Oransky talks to the CBC (https://t.co/K6vUAclqiI) about a now-withdrawn preprint about COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis. https://t.co/Qapai
RT @almeremarja: @PieterOmtzigt Hier de sterftekans van jongeren: 32 op 32000= 1 per 1000. Voor wat, er is bijna geen jongere die ernstig z…
RT @tostadas_Md_PhD: 1000人に1人(0.1%)ならば、全年齢で効果はマイナスです。心不全も併発してそうです。 マウスで心筋炎を引き起こす事が証明され、心筋細胞死を伴う事と整合性があります。 mRNAワクチンによる心筋炎は命に関わります。 逆血確認の…
RT @GardinerArt: Antivaxxers spread this now-debunked & grossly inaccurate study far & wide. It’s now on us (those who didn’t cause the dam…
RT @tostadas_Md_PhD: 1000人に1人(0.1%)ならば、全年齢で効果はマイナスです。心不全も併発してそうです。 マウスで心筋炎を引き起こす事が証明され、心筋細胞死を伴う事と整合性があります。 mRNAワクチンによる心筋炎は命に関わります。 逆血確認の…
@FraiseAdam @DrHoenderkamp @catvaxlax @phg38 @gooner62 @MaajidNawaz @LBC @dgurdasani1 @GYamey Is it from the withdrawn and incorrect Ottawa study? https://t.co/17PQmDLS2G
@md_wallach @DrJenBelasco @tnicholsmd @VPrasadMDMPH Agree with Dr Belasco. The Ottawa paper has a withdrawal notice on the preprint site. https://t.co/sm1Oei6qjR The first author says the numbers are “no longer accurate” here https://t.co/QvrpzyWtmf Prep
RT @JamesSurowiecki: Canadian study that found an absurdly high myocarditis rate of 1 in 1000 among ppl getting mRNA vaccines was completel…
RT @gred_vet: @ScaltritiLab @radiosilvana Ancora con questa bugia ritirata? Preprint ha gonfiato i dati,dichiarava 1 caso di #miocardite su…
RT @GardinerArt: Antivaxxers spread this now-debunked & grossly inaccurate study far & wide. It’s now on us (those who didn’t cause the dam…
RT @JamesSurowiecki: Canadian study that found an absurdly high myocarditis rate of 1 in 1000 among ppl getting mRNA vaccines was completel…
Antivaxxers spread this now-debunked & grossly inaccurate study far & wide. It’s now on us (those who didn’t cause the damage) to RT this article far & wide to undo some of the damage.
RT @ChristopheBene6: Cette étude rapporte un cas de myopericardite pour 1000 injections vaccins ARN🙄 C'est 100 fois plus que ce qu'on pen…
RT @JuliusRuechel: Review of myocarditis/pericarditis on medRxiv: Instead of 1 in 100,000 found in health data, they used direct investiga…
@Toetie79 @annstrikje In het onderliggend wetenschappelijk artikel worden toch echt andere conclusies getrokken, lees dat eens https://t.co/X9bSBsttBN https://t.co/vZJQd1shEY
@VPrasadMDMPH Consistency is good. https://t.co/m6yZxCIrPP “In order to avoid misleading either colleagues or the general public and press, we the authors unanimously wish to withdraw this paper…”
RT @JamesSurowiecki: Canadian study that found an absurdly high myocarditis rate of 1 in 1000 among ppl getting mRNA vaccines was completel…
RT @RWMaloneMD: WITHDRAWN- mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination and Development of CMR-confirmed Myopericarditis "Our reported incidence appeared vast…
RT @EricTopol: After the damage has been done, a preprint with a denominator off by >25-fold is withdrawn https://t.co/FSUsUP4v0X https://t…
@KeithOlbermann Review of myocarditis/pericarditis on medRxiv: Instead of 1 in 100,000 found in health data, they used direct investigation of patients and found "approximately 10 cases for every 10,000 inoculations." i.e. 1 in 1000. Per dose. https://t.
RT @arkmedic: There is a corporation that is trawling the web for any doctors who are questioning their safety record. And then targeting…
@BrandAdalia Review of myocarditis/pericarditis on medRxiv: Instead of 1 in 100,000 found in health data, they used direct investigation of patients and found "approximately 10 cases for every 10,000 inoculations." i.e. 1 in 1000. Per dose. https://t.co/
RT @JamesSurowiecki: Canadian study that found an absurdly high myocarditis rate of 1 in 1000 among ppl getting mRNA vaccines was completel…
@FashiesBad @xotbirdox @JoeWhitehead7 @ReutersFacts I appreciate you holding a higher standard. https://t.co/Cygt5ylFXn "actual number of administered doses being more than 800,000".
@georgiadawes @LeadStoriesCom So, read it from the authors themselves: https://t.co/ZtO8miUKee
RT @ChristopheBene6: Cette étude rapporte un cas de myopericardite pour 1000 injections vaccins ARN🙄 C'est 100 fois plus que ce qu'on pen…
RT @EricTopol: After the damage has been done, a preprint with a denominator off by >25-fold is withdrawn https://t.co/FSUsUP4v0X https://t…
RT @JamesSurowiecki: Canadian study that found an absurdly high myocarditis rate of 1 in 1000 among ppl getting mRNA vaccines was completel…
Yet another bell to unring ! https://t.co/vS0NB8Tqzk
@rubiconcapital_ @PublicHealthON This small study indicates 1/580 chance: mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination and Development of CMR-confirmed Myopericarditis: Kafil et al., 2021-09-16, https://t.co/hLdbFSYTxG
@JeremyAnso ça vaut quoi? Çe me semble plus qu’ailleurs…
Lembrete: Um estudo retrospectivo do Instituto do Coração da Universidade de Ottawa revela que uma em cada 1.000 vacinas de mRNA leva à miopericardite.
@mtsandersen @ProfPCDoherty @ConversationEDU "mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination and Development of CMR-confirmed Myopericarditis" (prospective study) "Incidence of myopericarditis overall was approximately 10 cases for every 10,000 inoculations. (1 in a 1000 per d
@NIH_LLAMAS The one paper I think you are referring to is/was here: https://t.co/S0nOKggXK9 There was a math error that led to a 25x overestimate of myocarditis risk: https://t.co/NopYXHNqGf Ironically, the mistake was caught in preprint, which is exactl
RT @JamesSurowiecki: Canadian study that found an absurdly high myocarditis rate of 1 in 1000 among ppl getting mRNA vaccines was completel…
RT @j_sato: 有効性の下方修正、副反応の上方修正が続くmRNA💉、カナダ・オタワ州の大規模調査が、心筋炎・心膜炎の発生頻度は1,000人に1人😱と発表。発生頻度の桁がさらに1つアップ https://t.co/tiQ8S6VCON ・若い男性×モデルナが最悪 ・分母不…
@rubiconcapital_ Interesting how your post is closer to these pre-redacted results than their correction. It's like only the denominator was adjusted here: https://t.co/LmOqzphWTv
@ofthesun1 @BryanHa44588174 @GavinNewsom @Michael_Fabiano No one actually knows long term effects of covid vaccines, since the they're new. People can guess. Short term? A recent detailed study found risks of heart inflammation larger than reported by CDC:
RT @EricTopol: After the damage has been done, a preprint with a denominator off by >25-fold is withdrawn https://t.co/FSUsUP4v0X https://t…
mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination and Development of CMR-confirmed Myopericarditis | medRxiv why president Biden are you taking an unrealistic approach that mandates vaccination? Why? Should be options! @POTUS @JoeBiden @WhiteHouse https://t.co/uqvYV9664w
mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination and Development of CMR-confirmed Myopericarditis | medRxiv @POTUS @JoeBiden why are you ignoring this president Biden? Why are you subjecting and mandating health risks to youth,adolescents, college students? Why? https://t.co
@StarDust240781 @FrankfurtZack @katarinabarley Zur Einordnung der Fallzahlen anderer Länder zur Herzmuskelentzündung. Bei Jugendlichen ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit Entzündung nach Impfung höher. https://t.co/ga9kBclgg4
RT @processic: WITHDRAWN ! งานวิจัย Pre-Print เกี่ยวกับวัคซีน mRNA ทำให้เกิดกล้ามเนื้อหัวใจอักเสบ จากแคนาดาถูกถอนออกไปแล้ว เพราะคำนวนผิด ใ…
@mcuban Risks Review of myocarditis/pericarditis on medRxiv: Instead of 1 in 100,000 found in health data, they used direct investigation of patients and found "approximately 10 cases for every 10,000 inoculations." i.e. 1 in 1000. Per dose. https://t.co
RT @kr3at: 🚨ICYMI: YouTube is now deleting videos and suspending accounts that share information like this. It is quickly becoming a crime…
@AngryCardio @mal_sdca Is the University of Ottawa an anti-vaccine site? Their top line rate of 1 in 1000 equates to a ~1 in 200 rate for young men. But you know that. https://t.co/zu9NRwAYDJ
RT @familiade3hijos: 18) Pre-print: hay una ocurrencia de miocarditis post-vacunal de 1 de cada 1.000: https://t.co/enJCRiyG9d Podemos imag…
RT @kr3at: 🚨ICYMI: YouTube is now deleting videos and suspending accounts that share information like this. It is quickly becoming a crime…
RT @JamesSurowiecki: Canadian study that found an absurdly high myocarditis rate of 1 in 1000 among ppl getting mRNA vaccines was completel…
RT @JamesSurowiecki: Canadian study that found an absurdly high myocarditis rate of 1 in 1000 among ppl getting mRNA vaccines was completel…
RT @kr3at: 🚨ICYMI: YouTube is now deleting videos and suspending accounts that share information like this. It is quickly becoming a crime…
RT @kr3at: 🚨ICYMI: YouTube is now deleting videos and suspending accounts that share information like this. It is quickly becoming a crime…
RT @kr3at: 🚨ICYMI: YouTube is now deleting videos and suspending accounts that share information like this. It is quickly becoming a crime…
RT @kr3at: 🚨ICYMI: YouTube is now deleting videos and suspending accounts that share information like this. It is quickly becoming a crime…
RT @kr3at: 🚨ICYMI: YouTube is now deleting videos and suspending accounts that share information like this. It is quickly becoming a crime…
RT @kr3at: 🚨ICYMI: YouTube is now deleting videos and suspending accounts that share information like this. It is quickly becoming a crime…
RT @kr3at: 🚨ICYMI: YouTube is now deleting videos and suspending accounts that share information like this. It is quickly becoming a crime…