RT @JuliusRuechel: Review of myocarditis/pericarditis on medRxiv: Instead of 1 in 100,000 found in health data, they used direct investiga…
RT @JuliusRuechel: Review of myocarditis/pericarditis on medRxiv: Instead of 1 in 100,000 found in health data, they used direct investiga…
No major adverse cardiac events and no significant arrythmias were noted during inpatient stay.
RT @JuliusRuechel: Review of myocarditis/pericarditis on medRxiv: Instead of 1 in 100,000 found in health data, they used direct investiga…
RT @JuliusRuechel: Review of myocarditis/pericarditis on medRxiv: Instead of 1 in 100,000 found in health data, they used direct investiga…
RT @JuliusRuechel: Review of myocarditis/pericarditis on medRxiv: Instead of 1 in 100,000 found in health data, they used direct investiga…
RT @JuliusRuechel: Review of myocarditis/pericarditis on medRxiv: Instead of 1 in 100,000 found in health data, they used direct investiga…
RT @JuliusRuechel: Review of myocarditis/pericarditis on medRxiv: Instead of 1 in 100,000 found in health data, they used direct investiga…
mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination and Development of CMR-confirmed Myopericarditis https://t.co/V2gxtC85tY Serious study confirmation !!
RT @kr3at: 🚨Gaslighting: Without evidence the CDC claimed "no link" between "heart inflammation" only to be forced to admit there is. In f…
@calvinsears @alliemarie777 I don’t, I research for myself. https://t.co/o4yIzMqOHR
The science to support his testimony. https://t.co/IzCgMFRDy5
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
ma ragazzi qui è terribile dalla padella alla brace
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
RT @ChanceGardiner: VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGft…
VACClNAZlONE con mRNA e lo sviluppo di miopericardite confermata da CMR https://t.co/NJC1j5sbJD https://t.co/PODxFGftEM
@JamesDeighan1 Or the fact the paper was withdrawn? https://t.co/oJXWxgCtfq
@BasedGott @Posledniskaut https://t.co/IVG5HvODND Jedná se o tuto studii, která byla stažena na základě údajné numerické chyby, nicméně data ze studie jsou relevantní pro vzorek ze kterého byla studie vyhotovena a studie záměrně nezohledňovala celkové poč
RT @Ussignur_: Oltre le altre schifezze che si rischiano, per i giovani il rischio miocardite (->che porta spesso a necessità trapianto cuo…
NU ER JEG RASENDE OG MEGA FORARGET: MAN VIL NU MYRDE BØRN m 💉5-11 ÅR (TV2 ttv 128) Rapport fjernet om 100% unge m vax får Myocardish af forsk. varianter https://t.co/hXBQq5YQsc Anden rapport om død op m 63% efter vax: https://t.co/r9lPMrOjHf
@ardayilar Daha önce de Pfizer'ın neden olduğu Aşı ile myokardit bağlantısını yanlışlıkla 25 kat daha fazla gösteren önbasım geri çekilmişti. Yeni Çalışma 1000'de 1'di oran. çok ender ve hafif. Asıl myokardit riski Covid19’da var ve aşı bu riski 4 kat aza
RT @processic: WITHDRAWN ! งานวิจัย Pre-Print เกี่ยวกับวัคซีน mRNA ทำให้เกิดกล้ามเนื้อหัวใจอักเสบ จากแคนาดาถูกถอนออกไปแล้ว เพราะคำนวนผิด ใ…
@slymnvurall Gençlerdeki kalp kası iltihabı oranı söylendiği gibi milyonda 5 filan değil, bu bilimsel makalede oran 1/1000! https://t.co/NBiT3DoRVc
@AviBittMD @ByramBridle Call me insane - I’m just following the data “ Incidence of myopericarditis overall was approximately 10 cases for every 10,000 inoculations” https://t.co/Otbfi4bIWA
@ArmyVet831 Another https://t.co/B5YXHTYS4E
RT @ScienceGuruMam: U of Ottawa Heart Institute reports the rate of myopericarditis as 1 in 1000...mostly in young males. https://t.co/rTN…
@TaniaGroth @Charlot45249102 Ikke set før "vaccinen" https://t.co/hXBQq5YQsc
RT @yurakusai: 厚労省が心筋炎のリスクのある若者のワクチン接種に関して、モデルナとファイザーの交雑接種を検討しているそうだが、それなりに危険が増すことは認識しているのだろうか。 それとも見せないように隠している? いつも大手製薬関連は、石橋を見ないで渡らせるような…
RT @j_sato: 有効性の下方修正、副反応の上方修正が続くmRNA💉、カナダ・オタワ州の大規模調査が、心筋炎・心膜炎の発生頻度は1,000人に1人😱と発表。発生頻度の桁がさらに1つアップ https://t.co/tiQ8S6VCON ・若い男性×モデルナが最悪 ・分母不…
RT @magicbu92001094: @wovenwire24 @arkmedic @EduEngineer Another Scrubbed here: https://t.co/vSpyp9AZ1D
@wovenwire24 @arkmedic @EduEngineer Another Scrubbed here: https://t.co/vSpyp9AZ1D
RT @yurakusai: 厚労省が心筋炎のリスクのある若者のワクチン接種に関して、モデルナとファイザーの交雑接種を検討しているそうだが、それなりに危険が増すことは認識しているのだろうか。 それとも見せないように隠している? いつも大手製薬関連は、石橋を見ないで渡らせるような…
@j_sato https://t.co/JxxpPYYKy2 記事は取り下げられました.
RT @yurakusai: 厚労省が心筋炎のリスクのある若者のワクチン接種に関して、モデルナとファイザーの交雑接種を検討しているそうだが、それなりに危険が増すことは認識しているのだろうか。 それとも見せないように隠している? いつも大手製薬関連は、石橋を見ないで渡らせるような…
RT @yurakusai: 厚労省が心筋炎のリスクのある若者のワクチン接種に関して、モデルナとファイザーの交雑接種を検討しているそうだが、それなりに危険が増すことは認識しているのだろうか。 それとも見せないように隠している? いつも大手製薬関連は、石橋を見ないで渡らせるような…
厚労省が心筋炎のリスクのある若者のワクチン接種に関して、モデルナとファイザーの交雑接種を検討しているそうだが、それなりに危険が増すことは認識しているのだろうか。 それとも見せないように隠している? いつも大手製薬関連は、石橋を見ないで渡らせるようなやり方。
RT @j_sato: 有効性の下方修正、副反応の上方修正が続くmRNA💉、カナダ・オタワ州の大規模調査が、心筋炎・心膜炎の発生頻度は1,000人に1人😱と発表。発生頻度の桁がさらに1つアップ https://t.co/tiQ8S6VCON ・若い男性×モデルナが最悪 ・分母不…
RT @EricTopol: After the damage has been done, a preprint with a denominator off by >25-fold is withdrawn https://t.co/FSUsUP4v0X https://t…
@huff33342238 @max358japan2 カナダのオタワ大学の報告によれば1000回の接種で1人の割合で心筋炎発症とのことです。 「稀」かもしれませんが、かなり現実味を帯びた稀ですね。 https://t.co/sg8b4avRFP
@A_Boutte_raide @Patlemire37 @raycarr4 @dystoman @CHOIRadioX https://t.co/Fy6G5IKzAb Un gros "WITHDRAWN" 😂
@Chapullica1_EYT @bengibaser Hatta Aşı ile myokardit bağlantısını yanlışlıkla 25 kat daha fazla hesaplanmış. Aşı ile myokardit çok ender ve hafif. Asıl myokardit riski Covid19’da var ve aşı bu riski 4 kat azaltıyor. https://t.co/Xzl7horBiM
RT @RQPoliticalBlog: Stop ✋ vax for kids RIGHT NOW ✅
@mtgreenee mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination and Development of CMR-confirmed Myopericarditis https://t.co/4KAGZV2gwo
@JamesMelville Nowt to do with the jab https://t.co/T0jx0BqdGj
RT @DoctorJoJames: Shocking. A massive effort. Yet all the social media and MSM that reported this totally incorrect story are not reportin…
RT @DoctorJoJames: Shocking. A massive effort. Yet all the social media and MSM that reported this totally incorrect story are not reportin…
RT @GrumpyOldDoc: Vaccine related myocarditis 25 times lower than claimed. Pre-print withdrawn mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination and Development o…
@LozzaFox A bit like the last paper the plague enthusiasts were waving about, that was withdrawn due to calculation errors. https://t.co/no3CG4o03c
RT @pokrath: หลังจากมีนักข่าวเอาผลยังไม่ได้ผ่านการรีวิว (preprint) ไปโหมเรื่องกล้ามเนื้อและเยื่อหุ้มใจอักเสบให้กลัวทั้งแผ่นดิน ผลงานฉบับนั้…
RT @GrumpyOldDoc: Vaccine related myocarditis 25 times lower than claimed. Pre-print withdrawn mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination and Development o…