RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/I9qbdmPCzG https://t.co/9INbpg…
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/I9qbdmPCzG https://t.co/9INbpg…
A country of morons
RT @michaeljswalker: It would be good to know how much the government spent advertising 'Eat Out To Help Out' compared to how much they inv…
RT @BQuilty: Worrying new preprint from @louisesmith142 et al. finds just 18% of persons with COVID symptoms adhere to self-isolation, and…
RT @KateEMcCann: Worth reading this full report on adherence to isolation and quarantine in the UK between May and August. Some fascinating…
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @michaeljswalker: It would be good to know how much the government spent advertising 'Eat Out To Help Out' compared to how much they inv…
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/9INbpg88F1
RT @michaeljswalker: It would be good to know how much the government spent advertising 'Eat Out To Help Out' compared to how much they inv…
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @DrAnneMurphy: Only 11% of Londoners with symptoms suspicious for covid self-isolated. But 27% of symptomatic ppl elsewhere in the South…
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
The reports states: "Non-adherence was associated with: men, younger age groups, having a dependent child in the household, lower socioeconomic grade, greater hardship during the pandemic, and working in a key sector."
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/I9qbdmPCzG https://t.co/9INbpg…
18% of people with COVID symptoms adhere to self-isolation, and only 11% adhere to quarantine if contacted by test and trace https://t.co/vnypAAj2Rt
RT @michaeljswalker: It would be good to know how much the government spent advertising 'Eat Out To Help Out' compared to how much they inv…
RT @DrAnneMurphy: Only 40% of Londoners know that cough, fever, loss of taste or smell are features of COVID19 😱 See table 2. Rest of the…
Only 11% of Londoners with symptoms suspicious for covid self-isolated. But 27% of symptomatic ppl elsewhere in the South-East stayed home. https://t.co/WoQGp7oKj5 https://t.co/5N379ojPeU
People are saying "don't blame the public"... But I think there's a case to answer here.
RT @KateEMcCann: Worth reading this full report on adherence to isolation and quarantine in the UK between May and August. Some fascinating…
Well done everyone.
RT @KateEMcCann: Worth reading this full report on adherence to isolation and quarantine in the UK between May and August. Some fascinating…
RT @KateEMcCann: Worth reading this full report on adherence to isolation and quarantine in the UK between May and August. Some fascinating…
RT @KateEMcCann: Worth reading this full report on adherence to isolation and quarantine in the UK between May and August. Some fascinating…
It would be good to know how much the government spent advertising 'Eat Out To Help Out' compared to how much they invested in public information campaigns on the one key tool in our arsenal against covid-19.
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/9INbpg88F1
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/9INbpg88F1
RT @KateEMcCann: Worth reading this full report on adherence to isolation and quarantine in the UK between May and August. Some fascinating…
Why self testing is unlikely to work.
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @KateEMcCann: Worth reading this full report on adherence to isolation and quarantine in the UK between May and August. Some fascinating…
RT @KateEMcCann: Worth reading this full report on adherence to isolation and quarantine in the UK between May and August. Some fascinating…
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/I9qbdmPCzG https://t.co/9INbpg…
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/I9qbdmPCzG https://t.co/9INbpg…
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
This seems implausibly low to me. Having had a look at the pre-print, I'm not esp convinced by the sample. Has anyone heard of Respondi before? https://t.co/dhKzTqvren https://t.co/lOXpCuRPmo
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/9INbpg88F1
RT @ProfJohnDrury: Why we need solidarity and material support now more than ever: 'Practical support and financial reimbursement are like…
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/9INbpg88F1
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
This from @louisesmith142 et al really highlights the need for support in isolating. High levels of intent to follow the rules, but hardship and dependents correlated with lack of adherence. We need to make isolating easier!
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/I9qbdmPCzG https://t.co/9INbpg…
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/I9qbdmPCzG https://t.co/9INbpg…
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/9INbpg88F1
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @KateEMcCann: Worth reading this full report on adherence to isolation and quarantine in the UK between May and August. Some fascinating…
RT @KateEMcCann: Worth reading this full report on adherence to isolation and quarantine in the UK between May and August. Some fascinating…
Reminds me of Douglas Adams and Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy. The reasoning!
RT @KateEMcCann: Worth reading this full report on adherence to isolation and quarantine in the UK between May and August. Some fascinating…
RT @KateEMcCann: Worth reading this full report on adherence to isolation and quarantine in the UK between May and August. Some fascinating…
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @annkempster: It’s almost as if a broad and deep national comms campaign was needed. https://t.co/9MXjAkQrbD
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @KateEMcCann: Worth reading this full report on adherence to isolation and quarantine in the UK between May and August. Some fascinating…
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @KateEMcCann: Worth reading this full report on adherence to isolation and quarantine in the UK between May and August. Some fascinating…
RT @KateEMcCann: Worth reading this full report on adherence to isolation and quarantine in the UK between May and August. Some fascinating…
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/I9qbdmPCzG https://t.co/9INbpg…
RT @mattuthompson: This is extraordinary. Pathetic levels of adherence to the rules on self-isolation. And rather humbling for all those s…
RT @KateEMcCann: Worth reading this full report on adherence to isolation and quarantine in the UK between May and August. Some fascinating…
Why we need solidarity and material support now more than ever: 'Practical support and financial reimbursement are likely to improve adherence to test, trace and isolate behaviours.'
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/I9qbdmPCzG https://t.co/9INbpg…
As well as a shocking lack of leadership is the shocking lack of clear guidance.
Worth reading this full report on adherence to isolation and quarantine in the UK between May and August. Some fascinating/worrying insights including that only 48.9% of participants could identify the main symptoms of Covid 19: https://t.co/wnu1yIfZYY
RT @BQuilty: Worrying new preprint from @louisesmith142 et al. finds just 18% of persons with COVID symptoms adhere to self-isolation, and…
Only ~=50% of participants could identify fever and cough as covid symptoms?
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/I9qbdmPCzG https://t.co/9INbpg…
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/9INbpg88F1
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/I9qbdmPCzG https://t.co/9INbpg…
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/9INbpg88F1
Interesting, I'd have thought economic necessity and inadequate sick pay provision would have been commoner response - Would like to see data on proportion low pay/blue collar workers being asked to quarantine.
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/9INbpg88F1
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @mattuthompson: This is extraordinary. Pathetic levels of adherence to the rules on self-isolation. And rather humbling for all those s…
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
Solo el 40% de los londinenses sabe que la tos, la fiebre, la pérdida del gusto o del olfato son características de COVID19 😱 https://t.co/WoQGp7oKj5
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/9INbpg88F1
RT @jburnmurdoch: More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: n…
RT @BQuilty: Worrying new preprint from @louisesmith142 et al. finds just 18% of persons with COVID symptoms adhere to self-isolation, and…
RT @BQuilty: Worrying new preprint from @louisesmith142 et al. finds just 18% of persons with COVID symptoms adhere to self-isolation, and…
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/9INbpg88F1
Only 40% of Londoners know that cough, fever, loss of taste or smell are features of COVID19 😱 See table 2. Rest of the country somewhat better at identifying it. https://t.co/WoQGp7oKj5
More shocking findings in the paper, such as "Keys reason given for not quarantining [after being contacted] included: not thinking it was necessary to stay away from people outside your household as you could not stay away from people in your household"
RT @AdamJKucharski: Data on adherence to isolation & quarantine in UK between May and August... https://t.co/I9qbdmPCzG https://t.co/9INbpg…
RT @mattuthompson: This is extraordinary. Pathetic levels of adherence to the rules on self-isolation. And rather humbling for all those s…