Aaand finally, the proof that occupancy was associated with mortality risk. Again, a brilliant summary by first author and extraordinary PhD student @HarrisonDWilde:
RT @CovidSerology: @GidMK @zeynep @BorisBarbour A lot of groups have attempted to work this out and have provided reasonable estimates. COV…
@GidMK @zeynep @BorisBarbour A lot of groups have attempted to work this out and have provided reasonable estimates. COVID IFR in the absence of HC can go from 0.39% to 1.63% in an LMIC setting Hospital excess IFR due to overloadi
@atatimelikethis @COVID19actuary Here’s an example paper (looking at ICUs only, not whole hospital) that shows mortality rate is higher when demand is higher.
@TassosPerrakis Η ποιότητα της νοσηλείας σίγουρα παίζει μεγάλο ρόλο και ενισχύεται και από υπάρχοντα δεδομένα. Και στο δεύτερο κύμα η θνησιμότητα ήταν αρκετή υψηλή σε αναλογία κρουσμάτων
(6/6) We were unable to adjust for acute illness severity. It may be that hospitals with the most COVID admissions admitted sicker patients. However, other studies including these preprints have yielded similar findings: https://t
RT @SpirosDenaxas: Our (pre-print) analysis of ICU occupancy & mortality, led by @HarrisonDWilde has just gone live. Using national data,…
Adjusting for patient-level factors, mortality was higher for admissions during periods of high occupancy (>85% occupancy versus the baseline of 45 to 85%) [OR 1.18 (95% posterior credible interval (PCI): 1.00 to 1.38)].
@wheezylouse @Tertianship @BreezerGalway @maturefinancier @jneill Remembered this should go alongside this study showing that overwhelmed ICUs increases death rate by 20% - effectively adding a decade to your age when working out your chance of survival. h
The preprint “The association between mechanical ventilator avai…” ( has been reviewed by automated tools, find results here: We detected 0 of 5 rigor criteria and 0 resources.
@cruncherwax And also similar work from the UK in preprint:
@AboveManAndTime @covid_london @FraserNelson Higher occupancy associated with higher ICU mortality: Plenty of other examples in healthcare - greater occupancy (esp >85%) -> poorer outcomes. Hospitals aren't like factories a
RT @SpirosDenaxas: Our (pre-print) analysis of ICU occupancy & mortality, led by @HarrisonDWilde has just gone live. Using national data,…
RT @fascinatorfun: @DrEricDing U.K. study here a 70-year old gains an effective decade of age when admitted to a high occupancy ICU compar…
RT @fascinatorfun: @DrEricDing U.K. study here a 70-year old gains an effective decade of age when admitted to a high occupancy ICU compar…
@DrEricDing U.K. study here a 70-year old gains an effective decade of age when admitted to a high occupancy ICU compared to being admitted to low occupancy ICU. In contrast, mortality was decreased for admissions during periods of low occupancy (<45%
RT @SpirosDenaxas: Our (pre-print) analysis of ICU occupancy & mortality, led by @HarrisonDWilde has just gone live. Using national data,…
@salama_alan This study from the UK(still pre-print) may be part of the answer. There is one more from Israel by Rossman et al is showing more or less the same - the strain of the rising patient load increases in-hospital mortality.
RT @fascinatorfun: @EdConwaySky Here is the work that has been done on that. SO a 70-year old gains an effective decade of age when admitt…
RT @fascinatorfun: @EdConwaySky Here is the work that has been done on that. SO a 70-year old gains an effective decade of age when admitt…
RT @fascinatorfun: @EdConwaySky Here is the work that has been done on that. SO a 70-year old gains an effective decade of age when admitt…
RT @fascinatorfun: @Peston @neil_ferguson How did they factor out the known effect of increased fatality due to overwhelmed hospitals/ ICU…
RT @fascinatorfun: @EdConwaySky Here is the work that has been done on that. SO a 70-year old gains an effective decade of age when admitt…
RT @fascinatorfun: @Peston @neil_ferguson How did they factor out the known effect of increased fatality due to overwhelmed hospitals/ ICU…
RT @fascinatorfun: @Peston @neil_ferguson How did they factor out the known effect of increased fatality due to overwhelmed hospitals/ ICU…
RT @SpirosDenaxas: Our (pre-print) analysis of ICU occupancy & mortality, led by @HarrisonDWilde has just gone live. Using national data,…
@Peston @neil_ferguson How did they factor out the known effect of increased fatality due to overwhelmed hospitals/ ICU that coincided with the domination of this variant “A 70-year old gains an effective decade of age when admitted to a high occupancy IC
@andrew_croxford @EdConwaySky @queenchristina_ Yes. I had already posed to both how is overwhelmed hospitals and ICUs factored into their calculations. “A 70-year old gains an effective decade of age when admitted to a high occupancy ICU compared to bein
RT @fascinatorfun: @queenchristina_ This study IS during the times of COVID. So are they dying for the reason that the Gov would never adm…
@Indra68 @queenchristina_ So a 70 yr old man gains an effective decade of age when admitted to a high occupancy ICU compared to being admitted to low occupancy ICU.
RT @fascinatorfun: @queenchristina_ This study IS during the times of COVID. So are they dying for the reason that the Gov would never adm…
@queenchristina_ This study IS during the times of COVID. So are they dying for the reason that the Gov would never admit...they allowed the virus to run out of control creating a Tsunami of patients into hospital - far higher than in the first wave. Odd
RT @SpirosDenaxas: Our (pre-print) analysis of ICU occupancy & mortality, led by @HarrisonDWilde has just gone live. Using national data,…
@EdConwaySky Here is the work that has been done on that. SO a 70-year old gains an effective decade of age when admitted to a high occupancy ICU compared to being admitted to low occupancy ICU.
RT @HarrisonDWilde: As promised, the updated version of our paper is now live; results are consistent with (and fairly similar to) first-wa…
RT @HarrisonDWilde: Updated link with results for study period including first wave and ending at the beginning of December…
RT @Bilal_A_Mateen: 📢📢 Pre-print updated. Our paper on the association of occupancy with mortality now updated to include all ICU patients…
Updated link with results for study period including first wave and ending at the beginning of December
As promised, the updated version of our paper is now live; results are consistent with (and fairly similar to) first-wave-only results but now apply to that period extended up until the December announcements regarding the new variant and the end of the se
RT @Bilal_A_Mateen: 📢📢 Pre-print updated. Our paper on the association of occupancy with mortality now updated to include all ICU patients…
RT @Bilal_A_Mateen: 📢📢 Pre-print updated. Our paper on the association of occupancy with mortality now updated to include all ICU patients… - Association between survival rates in intensive care and the level of ICU occupancy on the day of admission : Recent preprint paper from the UK -- Adjusting for patient-level factors, mortality was higher for admissions during pe
@MattHancock This means with our current ICU occupancy rates, mortality is significantly increased NOT because of the patient but because of the ENVIRONMENT. So, either more resources (remote) or rapid reduction in occupancy (isolate outside the home, enfo
RT @Bilal_A_Mateen: 📢📢 Pre-print updated. Our paper on the association of occupancy with mortality now updated to include all ICU patients…
RT @Bilal_A_Mateen: 📢📢 Pre-print updated. Our paper on the association of occupancy with mortality now updated to include all ICU patients…
RT @Bilal_A_Mateen: 📢📢 Pre-print updated. Our paper on the association of occupancy with mortality now updated to include all ICU patients…
📢📢 Pre-print updated. Our paper on the association of occupancy with mortality now updated to include all ICU patients admitted up till beginning december (end of the 2nd lockdown). Surprisingly, associations unchanged, still significant!
#Covid19 El riesgo de mortalidad en UCI aumenta por encima del >85% si se satura la ocupación UCI frente a < 45% si la ocupacion es baja, resultados del Estudio de la 1 ola en Reino Unido de abril a junio 2020 sobre 4032 ingresos UCI
RT @Mathew94379832: @JolyonMaugham 1. It turns out underfunded NHS capacity is not as flexible as the Govt made out... Overloaded ICUs inc…
A national retrospective cohort study of mechanical ventilator availability and its association with mortality risk in intensive care patients with COVID-19
RT @SpirosDenaxas: Our (pre-print) analysis of ICU occupancy & mortality, led by @HarrisonDWilde has just gone live. Using national data,…
RT @Mathew94379832: @JolyonMaugham 1. It turns out underfunded NHS capacity is not as flexible as the Govt made out... Overloaded ICUs inc…
@JolyonMaugham 1. It turns out underfunded NHS capacity is not as flexible as the Govt made out... Overloaded ICUs increased 20% mortality. As was warned. (And in related news there are still no extra staff for the Nightingale “warehouses with beds” ).
@LaSebastia O dit d'una altra forma, ingresar a un hospital on les ucis són plenes s'associa a una major mortalitat
big surges in demand for NHS intensive care predicted a higher chance of death in wave 1 of the pandemic is that because only sicker patients got to intensive care (consultants insist 'rationing' didn't happen) or because the standard of care was lower?
RT @martin_amrein: In der Hälfte aller Kantone sind die Intensivstationen wegen Covid-19 noch immer zu mehr als 85 Prozent ausgelastet. Ei…
RT @martin_amrein: In der Hälfte aller Kantone sind die Intensivstationen wegen Covid-19 noch immer zu mehr als 85 Prozent ausgelastet. Ei…
RT @martin_amrein: In der Hälfte aller Kantone sind die Intensivstationen wegen Covid-19 noch immer zu mehr als 85 Prozent ausgelastet. Ei…
RT @martin_amrein: In der Hälfte aller Kantone sind die Intensivstationen wegen Covid-19 noch immer zu mehr als 85 Prozent ausgelastet. Ei…
In der Hälfte aller Kantone sind die Intensivstationen wegen Covid-19 noch immer zu mehr als 85 Prozent ausgelastet. Eine solche Situation erhöht das Sterberisiko um fast 20 Prozent, wie eine Studie aus England zeigt.
@aloa5 @MathematikerRuR @benfire71 @matthiaslinden @QuakDr @besserwissi @SHomburg gibt ein paper (noch nicht peer-reviewed und steck selber ja auch inhaltlich null drin um das bewerten zu können) in dem gezeigt wird dass wohl schon hohe Auslastung (<100
@BallouxFrancois Before I’m flamed as the know nothing engineer that I am, this is to what I was refereeing... Having better ICU treatments needs the staff to deliver.. (My only ICU exposure was seeing my wife with 1:1 surgical I
RT @Elzo_: Aumenta en un 20% la mortalidad cuando las UCI están llenas
The association between mechanical ventilator availability and mortality risk in intensive care patients with COVID-19: A national retrospective cohort study
RT @MRC_Outbreak: PRE-PRINT @medrxivpreprint published today on #COVID19 patients in critical care: ➡️Mortality risk increases by 20% when…
Aumenta en un 20% la mortalidad cuando las UCI están llenas
RT @Imperial_Stats: New pre-print with Dr Andrew Duncan and @flaxter from @Imperial_Stats among the authors & collaborators…
New pre-print with Dr Andrew Duncan and @flaxter from @Imperial_Stats among the authors & collaborators
When intensive care units go from zero beds occupied to every bed full, patients have a 92 percent increased risk of death from C19..
RT @TsioutisC: Does ICU occupancy affect patient outcomes? Extensive data from the #UK show that #COVID19 mortality was higher for admissio…
RT @TsioutisC: Does ICU occupancy affect patient outcomes? Extensive data from the #UK show that #COVID19 mortality was higher for admissio…
RT @MRC_Outbreak: PRE-PRINT @medrxivpreprint published today on #COVID19 patients in critical care: ➡️Mortality risk increases by 20% when…
A national retrospective cohort study of mechanical #ventilator availability and its association with mortality risk in intensive care patients with #COVID19 #Openaccess #preprint #reseach from @medrxivpreprint #NHS
RT @TsioutisC: Does ICU occupancy affect patient outcomes? Extensive data from the #UK show that #COVID19 mortality was higher for admissio…
RT @SpirosDenaxas: Our (pre-print) analysis of ICU occupancy & mortality, led by @HarrisonDWilde has just gone live. Using national data,…
RT @SpirosDenaxas: Our (pre-print) analysis of ICU occupancy & mortality, led by @HarrisonDWilde has just gone live. Using national data,…
@mentalNHS @NHSwhistleblowr Not yet peer reviewed:
To those who govern us, this may sound obvious but it is worth reiterating based on evidence. A new study found that when ICU beds fill up in hospitals, the survival rates of patients drop.
RT @SpirosDenaxas: Our (pre-print) analysis of ICU occupancy & mortality, led by @HarrisonDWilde has just gone live. Using national data,…
RT @SpirosDenaxas: Our (pre-print) analysis of ICU occupancy & mortality, led by @HarrisonDWilde has just gone live. Using national data,…
RT @chrischirp: This is an important paper (if i say so myself as a (minor) co-author) quantifying how over-full ICUs increase the risk to…
RT @SpirosDenaxas: Our (pre-print) analysis of ICU occupancy & mortality, led by @HarrisonDWilde has just gone live. Using national data,…
RT @MRC_Outbreak: PRE-PRINT @medrxivpreprint published today on #COVID19 patients in critical care: ➡️Mortality risk increases by 20% when…
RT @chrischirp: This is an important paper (if i say so myself as a (minor) co-author) quantifying how over-full ICUs increase the risk to…
RT @SpirosDenaxas: Our (pre-print) analysis of ICU occupancy & mortality, led by @HarrisonDWilde has just gone live. Using national data,…
RT @MRC_Outbreak: PRE-PRINT @medrxivpreprint published today on #COVID19 patients in critical care: ➡️Mortality risk increases by 20% when…
RT @MRC_Outbreak: PRE-PRINT @medrxivpreprint published today on #COVID19 patients in critical care: ➡️Mortality risk increases by 20% when…
RT @SpirosDenaxas: Our (pre-print) analysis of ICU occupancy & mortality, led by @HarrisonDWilde has just gone live. Using national data,…
RT @SpirosDenaxas: Our (pre-print) analysis of ICU occupancy & mortality, led by @HarrisonDWilde has just gone live. Using national data,…
𝗧𝗶𝘁𝗹𝗲: A national retrospective cohort study of mechanical ventilator availability and its association with mortality risk in intensive care patients with COVID-19. 𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀: Harrison A Wilde, Thomas A Mellan, Iwona Hawry... https://
RT @chrischirp: This is an important paper (if i say so myself as a (minor) co-author) quantifying how over-full ICUs increase the risk to…
RT @chrischirp: This is an important paper (if i say so myself as a (minor) co-author) quantifying how over-full ICUs increase the risk to…
No es sorpresa; este estudio hecho en Inglaterra🏴reporto hoy q cuando las salas de terapia intensiva están en capacidad máxima (>85%) la letalidad de los pacientes #COVIDー19 aumenta. Mantengamos nuestros centros de salud despejados 🏥 #UsaCubrebo