@GetVaxAnswers Review of myocarditis/pericarditis on medRxiv: Instead of 1 in 100,000 found in health data, they used direct investigation of patients and found "approximately 10 cases for every 10,000 inoculations." i.e. 1 in 1000. Per dose. https://t.c
@Syeager515 @POTUS Food for thought mom. Please reconsider: https://t.co/H4UL62UGnh
@Syeager515 @POTUS Research. Do your thing: https://t.co/H4UL62UGnh
@peibolmei @vesperon1 @Athenea63335059 @BeatrizTalegon @Las_Republicas Aunq es cierto q puede haber efectis secundarios, la miocarditis se produjo en 10 casos de 800000 vacunados. Y el lote q se devolvió era porq estabam contaminados con suciedad, y querí
@manhattan_2 A ver en q acaba.. Los estudios dicen que si puede haber miocarditis pero en 10 de cada 800000... el covid provoca más estragos que la vacuna. https://t.co/Sc6hDK99E5
RT @Imn0tangel: New study shows a possible link between mRNA COVID vaccines and the subsequent development of myocarditis and pericarditis.…
RT @Andread68040013: @wouterkeller En ik zag gisteren toevallig dit. 2 onderzoeken teruggetrokken: https://t.co/1R65NCMofe https://t.co/TqH…
RT @SorenSchifter: Ny prospektiv undersøgelse fra et enkelt hospitalscenter af diagnosticeret myocarditis efter mRNA vaccination. Mænd:kvin…
RT @SorenSchifter: Ny prospektiv undersøgelse fra et enkelt hospitalscenter af diagnosticeret myocarditis efter mRNA vaccination. Mænd:kvin…
RT @Andread68040013: @wouterkeller En ik zag gisteren toevallig dit. 2 onderzoeken teruggetrokken: https://t.co/1R65NCMofe https://t.co/TqH…
RT @karamballes: Oh look, pre-print ob myocarditis withdrawn, however it won't get reported like the VAER junk was https://t.co/imaOXHyhEJ
@wouterkeller En ik zag gisteren toevallig dit. 2 onderzoeken teruggetrokken: https://t.co/1R65NCMofe https://t.co/TqHmyjzeAZ Deze is er nog wel. https://t.co/KZPz9QaPI0 Ik vind het opmerkelijk. Is hier toevallig meer over bekend?
@trishadawn36 “It is possible that the numbers, we quote are an underestimate of incidence for the 18-30 age group itself. In support of this, is the initial report from Israel of a 1 in 3000 to 1 in 6000 incidence of myocarditis following vaccination in y
RT @familiade3hijos: 18) Pre-print: hay una ocurrencia de miocarditis post-vacunal de 1 de cada 1.000: https://t.co/enJCRiyG9d Podemos imag…
@KevinPe00158553 @OldSunny2015 @garetheve Why are they still under EUA? If so safe, why not authorise fully? Why does FDA want 55 years to provide safety data..? 🥴 FDA will only provide data on myocarditis risks in kids in 2025!!: https://t.co/Pf9d9Fsk2a
RT @familiade3hijos: 18) Pre-print: hay una ocurrencia de miocarditis post-vacunal de 1 de cada 1.000: https://t.co/enJCRiyG9d Podemos imag…
@ErwinBoydens @ArjenGeirnaert @LBonneux Ja dat was ook de studie van de cardioloog McCullough, deze is ook teruggetrokken. https://t.co/7mBUao7UJB
RT @AdamDiscovers: KID VAX 5-11 GOOD? RISK OF COVID: CDC says 1 in 1mil kids would die form Sars-Cov-2. RISK OF MYOCARDITIS: Israel data sa…
RT @karamballes: Oh look, pre-print ob myocarditis withdrawn, however it won't get reported like the VAER junk was https://t.co/imaOXHyhEJ
RT @AdamDiscovers: KID VAX 5-11 GOOD? RISK OF COVID: CDC says 1 in 1mil kids would die form Sars-Cov-2. RISK OF MYOCARDITIS: Israel data sa…
@toctoctocclem @Petiteprof4 @Minimaliste13 fiques qui montrent un effet toxiques des spikes neurodégénératifs, inflammatoire grave, immunosuppresseur, cancérogène https://t.co/tNa5xoBIpn https://t.co/IEfFC3QVSF https://t.co/zjUAnxkZcI https://t.co/oFLUKvuQ
@SitoAbsichten @markusdd5 Btw die Horror Studie aus Ottowa wurde zurückgezogen weil die Zahlen der verabreichten Dosen und damit die gesamte Rechnung nicht stimmte. https://t.co/HaNUeMhlZ5
RT @AbiudRamdon: @JosehWolf @2_0TvyMedios Al parecer este es el enlace https://t.co/0OvMmYoeOj
@GuelphFHT @DrMcMurtry @uofg You should learn about risk and science instead of taking your insights from "expert" emails. https://t.co/7zH8Z7g0wK
Myopericarditis rates are 1 in 1,000 *overall*, so is MUCH more frequent than that in 16 year olds. This is a BIG. https://t.co/LrtnMqfDv7 https://t.co/LrtnMqfDv7
@JosehWolf @2_0TvyMedios Al parecer este es el enlace https://t.co/0OvMmYoeOj
We were discussing myocarditis and related heart inflammations. Before mrna vax we had rates of 10 to 22 per 100k https://t.co/8aNy27Sh3K A study concluded in September concluded that the rate post mrna inoculations was 10 in 10,000. https://t.co/ZGdJIUf
@KuikenAndrew @badvaers Before mrna vax we had rates of 10 to 22 per 100k https://t.co/8aNy27Sh3K A study concluded in September concluded that the rate post mrna inoculations was 10 in 10,000. https://t.co/ZGdJIUfMMF Eat crow
RT @MarcVegt: Marion Koopmans- Mark Rutte- Hugo de Jonge- Marc Bonten- Roland Pierik- Jan Paternotte- NOS- RTL- Ernst Kuipers- VVD- CDA-…
mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination and Development of CMR-confirmed Myopericarditis https://t.co/x1q83TwTaf
This is the largest series in the literature to clearly relate the temporal relationship between #mRNA #COVID19 #vaccination, symptoms and CMR findings ... Cardiac MRI confirmed acute #myocardial and #pericardial changes with the presence of edema: https:/
mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination and Development of CMR-confirmed Myopericarditis | medRxiv https://t.co/CaDJYdEIH1
@IuppiterC @SwordtheChemist As I said, eejit. https://t.co/mfoyfEKZr3
@ONVentura Este es uno de los estudios que estaría indicando una relación entre la vacuna y la miocarditis: https://t.co/jlsR8rADfz
@DesertWrtr @last_mexicano @thejstoobs You do understand studies are published every day it doesn't mean they are accurate...... See stupid article published below. https://t.co/3n13vPGOSv
@last_mexicano @DesertWrtr @thejstoobs You do understand studies are published all the time just because it was published doesn't make it accurate. Especially in an opinion piece based on implicit bias to begin with. Please see below. https://t.co/3n13vPG
@BotaIntensiv OK 😂 bereits auf der website gefunden. Wen z.b. die Quelle 15 zur Tabelle mit den Todeszahlen interessiert. Upps, da ist uns ein Fehler unterlaufen -> Zurückgezogen: https://t.co/zGVKSO0Y7l Wie lächerlich
RT @familiade3hijos: 18) Pre-print: hay una ocurrencia de miocarditis post-vacunal de 1 de cada 1.000: https://t.co/enJCRiyG9d Podemos imag…
@Linda2000W @PaigeZanco @Charlot45249102 Der er meget stor sandsynlighed på en 'afart' af hjertebetændelse efter 💉 Børn og unge har aldrig tidligere i historien haft en pandemi af hjertebetændelse🤢 https://t.co/hXBQq5YQsc
RT @j_sato: 有効性の下方修正、副反応の上方修正が続くmRNA💉、カナダ・オタワ州の大規模調査が、心筋炎・心膜炎の発生頻度は1,000人に1人😱と発表。発生頻度の桁がさらに1つアップ https://t.co/tiQ8S6VCON ・若い男性×モデルナが最悪 ・分母不…
@tokyoseijibu 有効性の下方修正、副反応の上方修正が続くmRNA💉、カナダ・オタワ州の大規模調査が、心筋炎・心膜炎の発生頻度は1,000人に1人😱と発表。発生頻度の桁がさらに1つアップ ・若い男性×モデルナが最悪 ・分母不明だがファイザー&モデルナのちゃんぽんが最多で最悪そう https://t.co/i4TeMgiFD5
RT @j_sato: 有効性の下方修正、副反応の上方修正が続くmRNA💉、カナダ・オタワ州の大規模調査が、心筋炎・心膜炎の発生頻度は1,000人に1人😱と発表。発生頻度の桁がさらに1つアップ https://t.co/tiQ8S6VCON ・若い男性×モデルナが最悪 ・分母不…
@IlMici8 È vero che Moderna ha un dosaggio 3 volte superiore rispetto a Pfizer. È vero che uno studio preprint ha mostrato che Moderna porta maggiormente a casi di miocardite in under30. Studio poi smentito in peer review https://t.co/aLsD2osWjf
RT @DominiekC: De terugtrekking : https://t.co/UnnDQeQGhr
De terugtrekking : https://t.co/UnnDQeQGhr
De teruggetrokken studie : https://t.co/OMrBCkYrcZ
Covid-19 is the first ever Pfizer vax to get "apprvoved" THINK https://t.co/hXBQq5YQsc
@FurnessColin You should pre-apologize for the harm that your 5-11 vax promotion work is going to do kids/lives/civilization. Do you have any science to dispute this? (waiting...) https://t.co/7zH8Z7g0wK
RT @Ramialjafar: هنا درس لكل باحث عن مسئولية البحث العلمي🔴 دراسة تقترف خطأ كبير في أداء الحسابات لاستخراج معدل الإصابة بإلتهاب عضلة القلب…
هنا درس لكل باحث عن مسئولية البحث العلمي🔴 دراسة تقترف خطأ كبير في أداء الحسابات لاستخراج معدل الإصابة بإلتهاب عضلة القلب في الاشخاص الذين تلقوا لقاح فايزر او موديرنا و تعطي هدية ثمينه لمناهضي اللقاح للأسف، الخطأ تسبب في ابتعاد الكثير عن تلقي اللقاح ١/٢
@RWMaloneMD Re: "University of Ottawa Heart Institute Retrospective Study Finds 1 in 1,000 mRNA Vaccinations Leads to Myopericarditis" https://t.co/BSZ5rqrk88 https://t.co/36tpIE8Rt8 https://t.co/CL2APKHRl7
@RWMaloneMD Re: "Again, my bad for having posted the publication link and conclusion without having critically reviewed myself." You did it again. Stop citing TrialSiteNews. h/t @glenpyle https://t.co/Fp55Cod2Zi https://t.co/36tpIE8Rt8 https://t.co/nu
Ottawa Study Had NOT Found Myocarditis In One Of Every 1,000 Vaccinated People WE THE AUTHORS UNANIMOUSLY WISH TO WITHDRAW THIS PAPER ON THE GROUNDS OF INCORRECT INCIDENCE DATA. #VaccineSideEffects #vaccines #COVID19 #COVIDIOTS #MyBodyMyChoice #VAXXED h
RT @braindoc303: Preprint aus Ottawa: 10 von 10000 mRNA Geimpften entwickeln symptomatische Perimyokarditis. Überwiegend junge Männer betro…
RT @ChristopheBene6: Cette étude rapporte un cas de myopericardite pour 1000 injections vaccins ARN🙄 C'est 100 fois plus que ce qu'on pen…
RT @LaFaimDuMonde: @BFMTV "Incidence of myopericarditis overall was approximately 10 cases for every 10,000 inoculations." 1 sur 1000. C'e…
@akneelingman @racechikee @arenb @JeebyJeeby @wytewzrdz There's so much evidence but I guess you could start here. https://t.co/Y5zXE2BWc6 https://t.co/MqyhJFKywO https://t.co/5Ys1OChKyA https://t.co/tkx4M7WRDu https://t.co/d6ALmcJ6G0 https://t.co/BMIGclMt
Пре-принт канадского исследования, которое, как утверждалось, показывает увеличенное количество миокардитов на фоне вакцинации мРНК-овыми препаратами - отозван. Тот случай, когда не каждый пре-принт становится полноценной статьёй. https://t.co/4aKmn4VZZ0
RT @LaFaimDuMonde: @Crane2Piaf @helkohl @Mariammin Mais pour être hospitalisé si 😉. Mais de toute façon on s'en fout parce qu'il n'y a plu…
@reindevries76 Hier waarom een artikel teruggetrokken werd, een artikel over de sterftecijfers voor myocarditis bij vaccinaties: https://t.co/GtV2TjWGB0
@RoderikBorg @libe "Incidence of myopericarditis overall was approximately 10 cases for every 10,000 inoculations." https://t.co/GuV1tTWotN
@crunsel2 @AureliaMenasce @EricBillyFR @EPIPHARE 10 cas toutes les 10 000 inoculations. Votre balance est toute pourrie. https://t.co/GuV1tTWotN
@EricBillyFR @EPIPHARE C'est ainsi que vous espérez échapper à la curée ? https://t.co/GuV1tTWotN
@BFMTV "Incidence of myopericarditis overall was approximately 10 cases for every 10,000 inoculations." 1 sur 1000. C'est colossal. https://t.co/GuV1tTWotN
RT @angel_h_merino: Datos controvertidos y artículos retractados sobre las vacunas covid 🔴 Un estudio canadiense sobre la miocarditis https…
RT @angel_h_merino: Datos controvertidos y artículos retractados sobre las vacunas covid 🔴 Un estudio canadiense sobre la miocarditis https…
RT @angel_h_merino: Datos controvertidos y artículos retractados sobre las vacunas covid 🔴 Un estudio canadiense sobre la miocarditis https…
RT @GrumpyOldDoc: Vaccine related myocarditis 25 times lower than claimed. Pre-print withdrawn mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination and Development o…
Datos controvertidos y artículos retractados sobre las vacunas covid 🔴 Un estudio canadiense sobre la miocarditis https://t.co/ZVt7Scf0kd ✅ Con errores gruesos que denotan autores y métodos poco cuidadosos https://t.co/sqMBmO6SNR
@Crane2Piaf @helkohl @Mariammin Mais pour être hospitalisé si 😉. Mais de toute façon on s'en fout parce qu'il n'y a plus de covid. En revanche des problèmes cardiaques de vaccinés... https://t.co/GuV1tTWotN
RT @ChristopheBene6: Cette étude rapporte un cas de myopericardite pour 1000 injections vaccins ARN🙄 C'est 100 fois plus que ce qu'on pen…
RT @AdamDiscovers: PARENTS: McCullough IS WORLD LEVEL CARDIOLOGIST "Troponins post-vax myocarditis 10-100x higher" PARENTS: CDC says 1 in…
RT @ChristopheBene6: Cette étude rapporte un cas de myopericardite pour 1000 injections vaccins ARN🙄 C'est 100 fois plus que ce qu'on pen…
@ksorbsinnrvoice @EntertexthereT @sandorragaly @BirgitKieschni1 @tagesthemen Thats what I said in my last sentence! On I-Phone. the link I posted,unfortunately, does not conect to the journal site, claiming the incorrect data, but to the article directly
RT @ChristopheBene6: Cette étude rapporte un cas de myopericardite pour 1000 injections vaccins ARN🙄 C'est 100 fois plus que ce qu'on pen…
RT @JeanPierreG9: https://t.co/aCmhppdoBT 2. Eléments dont je dispose le 04/11/21 à 16 h 45 : Ils ont recensé 32 patients sur la période.…
RT @JeanPierreG9: https://t.co/aCmhppdoBT 2. Eléments dont je dispose le 04/11/21 à 16 h 45 : Ils ont recensé 32 patients sur la période.…
RT @JeanPierreG9: https://t.co/aCmhppdoBT 2. Eléments dont je dispose le 04/11/21 à 16 h 45 : Ils ont recensé 32 patients sur la période.…
RT @gred_vet: Il preprint ha gonfiato i dati, dichiarava 1 caso di #miocardite su 1000 basandosi su 32000 vaccinazioni quando invece erano…
RT @JeanPierreG9: https://t.co/aCmhppdoBT 2. Eléments dont je dispose le 04/11/21 à 16 h 45 : Ils ont recensé 32 patients sur la période.…
RT @JeanPierreG9: https://t.co/aCmhppdoBT 2. Eléments dont je dispose le 04/11/21 à 16 h 45 : Ils ont recensé 32 patients sur la période.…
@drmelissasell If saving every single life from a Covid death is all important globally, why doesn't it matter when myopericarditis overall was approx. 10 cases for every 10,000 inoculations (1 in a 1000 per dose, sex ratio was 2 females to 29 males)??? #D
@drmelissasell "mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination and Development of CMR-confirmed Myopericarditis" (prospective study) "Incidence of myopericarditis overall was approximately 10 cases for every 10,000 inoculations. (1 in a 1000 per dose, sex ratio was 2 females
RT @JeanPierreG9: https://t.co/aCmhppdoBT 2. Eléments dont je dispose le 04/11/21 à 16 h 45 : Ils ont recensé 32 patients sur la période.…
RT @JeanPierreG9: https://t.co/aCmhppdoBT 2. Eléments dont je dispose le 04/11/21 à 16 h 45 : Ils ont recensé 32 patients sur la période.…
RT @JeanPierreG9: https://t.co/aCmhppdoBT 2. Eléments dont je dispose le 04/11/21 à 16 h 45 : Ils ont recensé 32 patients sur la période.…
RT @JeanPierreG9: https://t.co/aCmhppdoBT 2. Eléments dont je dispose le 04/11/21 à 16 h 45 : Ils ont recensé 32 patients sur la période.…
RT @JeanPierreG9: https://t.co/aCmhppdoBT 2. Eléments dont je dispose le 04/11/21 à 16 h 45 : Ils ont recensé 32 patients sur la période.…
RT @JeanPierreG9: https://t.co/aCmhppdoBT 2. Eléments dont je dispose le 04/11/21 à 16 h 45 : Ils ont recensé 32 patients sur la période.…
RT @JeanPierreG9: https://t.co/aCmhppdoBT 2. Eléments dont je dispose le 04/11/21 à 16 h 45 : Ils ont recensé 32 patients sur la période.…
RT @JeanPierreG9: https://t.co/aCmhppdoBT 2. Eléments dont je dispose le 04/11/21 à 16 h 45 : Ils ont recensé 32 patients sur la période.…